Thursday, January 24, 2013

Eye Cream Ingredients - Why Choose Only Natural Ingredients?

Are getting exasperated looking for the best eye cream ingredients? Are you becoming tired jumping from one product to another? Are you at a loss where to find those that work?

Many women are easily becoming disappointed. Wrinkles are a major cause of embarrassment among majority of women especially. Wrinkles betray advancing age and women do not like to admit that. Eye creams were developed precisely to treat wrinkles on the skin patches surrounding the eyes. They are supposed to remove those fine lines permanently. Unfortunately, most of those creams out there in the market do not deliver what they are expected to do. It is what many people sometimes call as exaggerated claims and unsatisfactory effects.

Confusion about collagen

I once used an eye cream containing collagen substances. Collagen has become a recent buzzword among health and beauty professionals alike. They are effective, though, because they are not absorbed by the body.

Even earliest research studies confirmed the key role of collagen in the body. Those studies have already established that collagen molecules are primarily responsible in making the skin elastic. Remember always that loss of skin elasticity is the main cause of skin wrinkling.

Collagen are proteins purposely produced by the body. These proteins are commonly found along the dermis, bones and ligaments. However, it is along the skin that we are most interested in.

The body continuously produces collagen, together with elastin, another basic protein with similar purpose. They both bind together to make those collagen bundles. These bundles are the ones directly involved in making the dermis firm and pliable.

When we age, however, the ability of the body to regenerate them is weakened. In other words, the body is no longer able to produce collagen enough to replace the same amount being lost. Hence, when you reach the age of 45 years or so, around 25-30% of the total collagen mass is lost.

Collagen boosters

To help your skin recover, make sure you use natural ingredients, such as Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Coenzyme Q10. These are all taken from natural sources, such as select plants and animals.

Unlike synthetic compounds used in many eye cream products, these natural substances have no known unwanted side effects. More importantly, they are able to encourage the body to produce more of them. In fact, this is the only known real and genuine solution to your skin problem and not those cosmetic surgeries, injections and many others.

After continued application, you soon will realize that recovering tantalizing eyes with extra smooth skin surrounding them is no difficult. You can achieve that only if you use those natural eye cream ingredients.

And to help you get clearer and younger looking skin, I will like to share with you one anti aging skin care range that I found contains more active ingredients than any other cream on the market. These ingredients are effective moisturizers, because they penetrate deeply and "nourish". So, they never feel greasy.

I have never seen any other natural products that is as good and report no negative or adverse effects. They are hypo-allergenic, fragrance free and can be used on any skin-type. For more information, come visit now.

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