Do you really know what it is that needs to go into a product in order for it to be the best eye cream for dark under eye circles, puffiness, and wrinkles? Most people don't even know the real reasons that bags and dark circles form under the eyes. There is a tremendous amount of misinformation available when it comes to the causes of aging skin, and the treatments that will cure them, so it is little wonder the consumer is in the dark.
I have seen numerous sources list such problems as allergies, asthma, stress, and sleeplessness, exposure to the sun, pregnancy, and menstruation as the causes of bags and dark circles. There are even Chinese herbal formulas designed to treat what is known as "Kidney Energetic Exhaustion" and "Adrenal Deficiency". These problems are related to the loss of your Jing, or Essence, through poor lifestyle habits.
Chinese medicine advocates that all you need in order to eliminate the discoloration beneath your eye is formulas that feature American ginseng, bilberry, gingko biloba, and a toning compound called Shou Wu. What exactly Shou Wu supposedly tones is a mystery to me, considering that this concoction is to be taken orally. I think you would be better off continuing your search for the best eye cream for dark under eye circles.
The real reasons behind why bags and dark circles form beneath the eyes has to do with the breakdown of several different processes. What forms bags is the loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin, skin slackening, and an inability to efficiently remove fluid from the eye. Dark circles appear because of a fragile capillary system leaking blood into the eye, lagging circulation, poor hemoglobin removal, and thinning skin beneath them, eye.
The way that the best eye cream for dark under eye circles will deal with these issues, is through a powerful combination of ingredients made up primarily of peptide chains called Eyeliss and Haloxyl. These amazing ingredients are found together in only a few of the all natural eye contour serums, as most companies don't want to pay the extravagant cost for each compound. You need a formula developed by a company that knows you are worth what these ingredients cost them.
Eyeliss and Haloxyl work in tandem to firm the skin and reduce skin slackening, improve the efficient removal of excess fluid and hemoglobin in the eye, repair the capillary system and stop blood leakage, improve circulation, and even thicken the skin underneath the eye. While these compounds will return firmness and elasticity in the skin to some point, more is needed to improve your overall appearance.
That is why the very best eye cream for dark under eye circles not only features Eyeliss and Haloxyl, but Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10 and Cynergy TK as well. Nano-Lipobelle is a nano-emulsified form of coenzyme Q10, while Cynergy TK is a combination of protein complexes infused with specifically chosen enzymes. Together these ingredients spark a significant surge in your collagen and elastin production.
The best eye cream for dark under eye circles will have you looking significantly younger in no time at all.
Laurel is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research:
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