Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Difference Between Body Lotion and Cream

When caring for the skin, body lotions and creams are usually a helpful addition. Body lotions and creams help keep the skin hydrated and help to attain the goal of perfectly soft skin.

However when deciding whether to use a lotion or a cream, it depends on the individual and how dry the skin is. Dry skin can turn to be a more severe skin disorder if not taken care of and body lotions and creams help the skin to stay soft and fight against dry skin. The severity of the skin and how dry it is, will determine whether a lotion or a cream or a combination is necessary.

Both body lotions and creams are excellent at hydrating the skin and keeping it looking healthy and younger. Both work to heal and prevent dry skin by infusing it with moisture. Both are absorbed by the body into the blood stream and so it is important to make sure that whatever is going on your skin can be safe and healthy for your body.

Lotions and creams can be found with natural ingredients as opposed to being chemically based. It is important to know the ingredients of either the body lotion or cream that is being used and make sure that none of the ingredients will cause an allergic reaction in the body.

Body creams are generally used for skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema as it can be spread over a small area of skin and can be used without wasting as much. Creams are particularly useful when the product does not have to be taken off the skin immediately as it is easily absorbed by the skin.

Creams for the body tend to be a better moisturizer and are better tolerated by the skin. Most are non-greasy which works well with most skin types and helps the skin maintain moisture. happinesslifetime.com Eye creams and happinesslifetime.com anti aging creams are also preferred over lotions targeting the same thing.

Lotions are generally used over larger parts of the body and work well over parts which are covered by hair, such as the chest or arms. Body lotions are quickly absorbed by the body and provide a cooling effect and so are generally recommended for dry skin during the summer months.

Body lotion is also used when the case of dry skin is more on the mild side. Many lotions have chemicals that cause them to have a perfume odor; however, this type is not recommended for dry skin.

As for deciding which is better to use, it depends on the individual and at many times, what their preference is. It is possible to even need both; a light body lotion may be needed in the day whereas a heavier cream is needed at night. A combination of both a body lotion and cream is often recommended for extremely dry skin, in order to get the optimal benefits of both moisturizers.

Get the latest info on the best thesecretsofbeautifulskin.com skin lotions and creams by visiting thesecretsofbeautifulskin.com theSecretsofBeautifulSkin.com.

Tyler Treskin is a health enthusiast and enjoys sharing his experience and research with others on the internet. Visit his site for additional information on this important wrinkle cream skin care topic

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