One of the ways to get rid of eye wrinkles is through the use of collagen eye cream. It is not surprising to find a lot of eye cream brands incorporated with collagen ingredient. Collagen is a kind of skin protein that gives structure to our dermis. Needless to say, without this protein, our skin will wrinkle up and sag. This is why many anti aging products have been incorporated with this ingredient.
The real question is, are these products really effective? If they really work on aging eye skin, then all of us would be sporting beautiful and youthful skin. That means, this method is sadly not the ideal solution to eye wrinkles. We are on the right track, though. Collagen is really an important skin component and it is indispensable to our youthful skin functions. It is just right to boost the production of this protein.
Using topical treatments with this ingredient is, more often than not, ineffective because it has bigger molecular structure. It cannot easily penetrate small pores. There lies the problem.
What we really need is an internal boost of this skin protein. That means, we have to choose a product that will spruce up the common functions of the dermis such as producing more hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. There are now ingredients that can do that effectively.
CynergyTK is one of those ingredients. It is not surprisingly to find out that this has made a breakthrough in the anti aging market. This ingredient contains functional keratin. If you don't know it yet, functional keratin is a kind of protein that facilitates in the renewal of collagen and elastin. We usually have abundant supply of this when we were younger but we lose it as we get older which is why it is better to supplement our dermis with keratin instead of supplementing it with synthetically-derived collagen.
Eyeliss is another ingredient you should rely on. As you know, the skin around our peepers is extremely delicate. It is like tissue paper. The connective tissues inside it can be damaged quite easily. The role of Eyeliss is enforcing stronger connective tissues and thickening them up to reduce damages.
Don't forget the use of Phytessence Wakame. This is a kind of Japanese sea kelp that works well in preserving hyaluronic acid in the body. It gets rid of harmful enzymes that break down this acid.
You should not concentrate on the use of collagen eye cream. Explore other ingredients too and you might find out that they are better than synthetic collagen.
And now I would like to invite you to visit to find out which are the anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.
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