Sunday, May 5, 2013

What Makes Dark Under Eye Circles Difficult to Get Rid Of?

Have you tried an assortment of eye creams and moisturizers that should get rid of dark under eye circles but nothing worked? Are the products really effective or is this skin condition just difficult to treat?

Most of us think that dark under eye circles are caused by lack of sleep. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Poor blood circulation coupled with thin layers of skin is the main reasons why this problem persists.

Our skin protects blood vessels. In the skin under the eyes, it is made up of tiny blood vessels that transport red blood cells. Because of poor circulation, some of those cells leak to the surface layers of the dermis. And since the skin in this part of our face is thin and translucent, it cannot easily hide the leaking of red cells. As a result, dark shadows appear under the eyes.

It is hard to get rid of this problem because the leaking of cells is a normal occurrence. It happens regularly in our body. Additionally, most products do not work because they only help reduce pigmentation. Since this problem is not caused by pigmentation, those treatments do not produce desired results.

If we get stressed or we do not get enough sleep, our skin becomes paler. This makes dark circles under eyes look worse. You can significantly lessen the appearance of these black circles if you get proper rest and relaxation.

In addition to that, choose a more appropriate treatment. Look for an eye cream that can really solve the root cause of the problem. There are eye creams today that contain Haloxyl, Eyeliss, CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame.

Haloxyl effectively lessens the amount of haemoglobin in red cells. It reduces the haemoglobin content of the red cells that leaked to the surface layers of your skin so you can also reduce the appearance of black circles. Haemoglobin is the blood component that creates red color.

Eyeliss is an ingredient infused with natural peptides. Peptides can help plump up cells in the body for better circulation. It also effectively improves the thickness of the dermis. CynergyTK prolongs dermis resilience and elasticity. This ingredient supplies functional keratin to the dermis. Keratin is a type of protein responsible for the production of collagen and elastin. Phytessence Wakame is a sea kelp that reduces harmful enzymes in the body. These enzymes attack hyaluronic acid, the acid that supplies moisture to collagen proteins.

With the help of a product with these ingredients, you can get rid of dark under eye circles effectively.

And now I would like to invite you to visit to find out which are the anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.

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