Friday, June 7, 2013

Top Eye Creams - Discover 3 Ingredients Every Top Eye Cream Should Have

Our skin is constantly being bombarded with different things each and every day. Whether it is the suns rays, someone smoking beside you, taking a sip of alcohol, eating unhealthy food or even using bad skin care products, they all cause you to age faster.

The key to having good looking eyes and finding the top eye creams all comes down to learning how to determine which ingredients are worth having in a top eye cream.

Our skin has to take every hit, and every bad thing that happens to us. This is why using and finding natural top eye creams is the best defense that you can give your skin.

Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are your body's way of defending and keeping your skin looking young, healthy and vibrant. As we grow older, our bodies work less and less efficiently.

Taking a multi-vitamin and an omega-3 fish oil supplement is an excellent step towards preventing any further damage to your body and skin. Even one vitamin or mineral deficiency can cause severe damage and trouble down the road.

Did you know for example that most people are deficient in omega-3 essential fatty acids? This can cause anything from behavioral problems to dry and irritated skin.

Another thing is to make sure that you're using completely natural top eye creams, because if you're not, you could be setting yourself up for things like depression, skin disorders and even cancer down the road.

I am not just pulling these facts out of thin air either, they have been confirmed by studies and scientific data. I recommend that you look at these studies yourself to see what is really going on in your skin care products.

3 Ingredients Effective Top Eye Creams Should Have

Most so called top eye creams don't have these ingredients. The main reason is because the products are manufactured by big businesses which only care about making a profit.

I've found that the best products and the true top eye creams are made by small, specialized companies. I have personally been using a product by a company like this daily, and the ingredients that have been the most effective for me are the following:

1. Cynergy TK - A breakthrough in skin care which naturally helps your body boost its collagen and elastin levels.

2. Phytessence Wakame - A Japanese sea kelp that is effective in helping your skin heal and regenerate.

3. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) - CoQ10 is a very potent enzyme that is used in skin care creams to minimize wrinkles and fine lines.

Most top eye creams do not contain these ingredients, so if you can find these ingredients in the right amounts mixed together, you will reap the benefits.

If you're interested in learning the secrets of finding the best natural top eye creams, visit my website, where I share what products I personally use for fast, and effective results.

Rebecca S. Purple is an educator, researcher, and believer of keeping skin looking young, healthy, and wrinkle-free with all natural ingredients. Visit her website today to discover the scientifically proven ingredients the big companies do not want you to know about.

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