Saturday, September 21, 2013

Get Vibrant Looking Eyes In Just 4 Easy Steps

Nothing puts a huge damper to your self esteem quite like getting comments about how tired your eyes look. But don't worry. It's not just you. I am not exaggerating when I say more than a million of people out there have zombie-looking eyes just like you. And at some point in the past, I was also a walking dead person.

Lack of sleep and stress is just one of the palpable reasons why your eyes look dull, tired and lifeless all the time. But in reality, it is mainly because of poor inner functions. Your body is telling you that it needs enough rest, proper circulation and proper nutrition in order to normalize skin functions.

Let me tell you the steps that allowed me to have vibrant looking eyes.

1. Get lots of sleep. I regret to say this but there really is no getting past the fact that you need to sleep. It is one way of recovering functions and correcting damages to cells, nerves and tissues. You don't really need to get 8 hours of sleep every single night. According to experts, just as long as you have a good and healthy sleep pattern, you can switch from seven hours of sleep to eight hours of sleep time and again. Moreover, you can also take short naps and breaks in the afternoon.

2. After waking up in the morning, stretch and exercise a bit to jump start blood circulation. One of the main reasons why dark circles under the eyes appear is because of poor blood circulation. When the blood vessels are constricted, blood fails to pass through easily. As a result, some of them leak to the surface layers of the skin.

3. If you need an instant pick-me-upper for your eyes, try drinking fresh lemonade. It is rich in Vitamin C. This vitamin can actually enhance metabolic functions in your system so you can have more energy. Moreover, it is responsible for that glow on your skin. If you drink the freshly-squeezed ones with the fibers and pulps in it, your body can effectively purge out unwanted toxins. It is a quick way of getting rid of toxins that are weighing you down.

4. I know a lot of people do not really rely so much on eye creams but you might want to make an exception for a product that contains Eyeliss, Haloxyl and CynergyTK. Eyeliss is a special kind of ingredient that is replete in natural peptides. Peptides help your dermis a lot in plumping up weak skin cells. With proper cellular functions, the integumentary system can work better.

Haloxyl can get rid of the haemoglobin found in red cells. If there are any cells leaking on the surface of the dermis because of poor circulation, this ingredient can reduce their effects on the skin. CynergyTK maintains dermis elasticity with its ability to augment keratin. Keratin is needed to produce more collagen and elastin.

And now I would like to invite you to visit to find out which are the anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.

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