Thursday, September 5, 2013

Keeping Dark Circles, Puffy Eyes, Lines & Wrinkles at Bay, Holding on to Youthful Looking Skin

Many people believe that looking older comes naturally with growing older but really it is not such a foregone conclusion for if you take time and trouble to make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle now you will yourself have some control not only how young you look but how young you feel too.

When we think of an aging face immediately we think in terms of lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, bags under the eyes and dark circles under the eyes and invariably in turn we can believe that invasive therapy is the only answer. However forking out on a surgical facelift is not the only way to rejuvenation; there are other less drastic strategies that can work almost as well as surgery.

We then need to discover how we can both halt the onset of premature aging skin and also to diminish the appearance of the lines, wrinkles, dark eye circles and puffy eyes that we are already beginning to become aware of.

Here then are suggestions for some of the strategies we need to adopt;

Moisturize your skin on a regular basis.

Now to be effective moisturizers need to be used every morning and night and not sparingly either. Putting a small dab on each cheek and spreading them upwards and outwards is not going to be effective, there will be some areas on your face that get very little moisturizing and it will probably be those areas that need it most. Buy a moisturizing cream that you can afford to be lavish with, the price is not always an indicator as to how well the product will perform.

Buy a daytime moisturizer that is absorbed quickly and can therefore be used as a make up base. A more heavy duty cream or oil for night time use will benefit your skin whilst you sleep.

To avoid dragging against the delicate skin around your eyes a separate eye cream manufactured specifically for that area of skin is preferred to an ordinary moisturizer.

You can moisturize from the inside out by drinking lots of water and there is no need to gulp down full glasses at one go sipping the water gradually is fine just as long as you get to drink around two to three pints a day. When working in centrally heated offices or taking long flights you can assist the skin's natural hydrating process by carrying a small aerosol spray filled with distilled or spring water. Spraying this will refresh your skin. Pat dry and apply your moisturizer immediately so as to prevent any evaporation.

Try relaxing your facial muscles now and then, a tense face will only encourage lines and wrinkles and especially so around the outer areas of the eyes and the forehead. Start now to try and look happy instead of miserable or angry, relax your jaw and unclench your teeth, your face will reflect your efforts in years to come.

Stop smoking now, if you can't for the benefit of your health do it for the benefit of your skin. There is less oxygen getting into the bloodstream if you smoke, the capillaries are constricted preventing the natural flow of oxygen and nutrients that are beneficial to the skin. Think about how smokers have to squint to prevent smoke getting into their eyes, that can over time create more lines and wrinkles apart from those forming around the mouth area because of puckering their lips to hold on to the cigarette.

Counteract the attacks on the skins cell make up by those free radicals by eating a sensible diet high in antioxidants. Eat foods that contain the vitamins A, C and E.

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, oily fish, salmon, sardines and mackerel, Oats nuts seeds and beans.

Don't lie in the sun for long periods, a little sunshine can be health giving but beware it can damage the skin. Both UVA and UVB rays are know to cause premature aging skin and it can be years after the damage is done for it to become noticeable. If you go out into the sun best to wear a hat, good quality sun glasses and a high factor sun cream. Try a fake tanning product if you want an all over tan but if you use them in the sun remember they do not always include a sun block.

So although many of us believe that we look after our skin because we spend money on face creams and cleansers actually very few of us realise that there are other prerequisites required to help make our skin look and feel younger.

Those over the counter solutions all claiming to be the magic potion you have always been searching for are fine but use them in conjunction with other means towards achieving your goal of preventing premature aging skin.

Start a sensible skin care routine now no matter what your age, tomorrow when you look in the mirror you could well be glad that you did.

Brian Potter can help you with anti aging skin care problems including bags under eyes, puffy eyes and how to remove dark circles under eyes.

Visit [] for more information on a more Youthful, Healthier Looking Skin.

You can also visit [] to watch videos on how to combat dark circles & puffy Eyes.

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