Friday, December 6, 2013

A Top Eye Cream for Wrinkles and Dark Circles Will Make You Look Younger and More Refreshed

I don't know a thing about you but I'll bet you're tired of trying eye creams for wrinkles and dark circles that don't work. I've been down that road myself. It's frustrating to keep spending money on products that don't get rid of your dark circles.

After plenty of research and wasted time and money, I finally discovered some ingredients that actually did work for me.

One ingredient is called Halyoxl. This cutting edge ingredient targets your dark circles and makes them fade in a matter of weeks. In fact, volunteers in a study found it faded their dark undereye circles by as much as 60%! Pretty good if you ask me. This is available in some eye serums, just look for it on the label.

You can also pair it with another ingredient called Eyeliss that's been used by Hollywood celebrities for years. This targets under eye bags and reduces the puffiness by improving your under eye circulation. It tightens up the skin around your eyes so you have fewer wrinkles. Plus, it fades dark circles.

If you combine both of these ingredients in your eye cream, you're bound to notice a difference in just a few weeks.

As far as reducing wrinkles around your eyes, you need to keep the area well moisturized and boost your collagen and elastin cell production. Luckily, this isn't as hard has it may sound. There are lots of ingredients available these days that will increase your collagen and elastin cells.

Since it's these proteins that keep your skin from wrinkling and sagging, they're very important. Here are two ingredients I know about that reverses the breakdown of these cells and will tighten the skin around your eyes so you have fewer wrinkles. They're both clinically proven to reduce wrinkles.

Active Manuka Honey and Cynergy TK are proven to increase your collagen and elastin productions.

Active Manuka Honey is a honey. It's a special kind of honey found in New Zealand and it moisturizes your skin and rejuvenates it for fewer wrinkles. And, if that isn't enough, it has the added bonus of being full of antioxidants which will protect you from cancer and keep you looking young.

There aren't that many eye creams with Active Manuka Honey but it is starting to show up in more and more skincare products.

Cynergy TK uses a type of keratin to repair your skin and prevent wrinkles. Volunteers who used an eye serum with this ingredient found a 42% increase in their skin elasticity in just 18 days. That means their skin "bounced" back into place more readily so they developed fewer wrinkles.

You and I both know there are tons of eye creams for wrinkles and dark circles lining the shelves at your local stores. And, you've probably tried a fair number of them and been disappointed with the results.

Why not try different ingredients that are proven to reduce your dark circles and reduce your wrinkles?

If you're interested in learning more about the eye cream for wrinkles and dark circles that I recommend, please visit my website where I share more about these products.

Audrey Alexander has been researching natural skin and health care for over 3 years. Visit her site now to learn more about cutting edge natural skincare products she recommends after extensive research:

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