Sunday, December 8, 2013

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

It's not only the old and the sick that want to know how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. This is a condition that affects people of all ages, and your physical health may in some cases have nothing to do with it. You may get more than enough sleep and follow a more healthy lifestyle than most and still have this problem. In some cases dark circles under the eyes are hereditary. It may run in your family. There are quite a few other causes, but in this article I want to focus on helping you figure out how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes. There are various courses of action to follow, from home treatments to cosmetics to surgery. Let's evaluate a few of these.

Home Remedies

Two of the most popular home remedies are cucumbers and tea bags. You can put thin slices of cucumber over your eyes and leave them on for about 10 minutes. With tea bags, you can take a used tea bag that's been squeezed dry and has obviously cooled off and put this on your eyes, again for about 10 minutes. With both of these, be careful not to get any fluids in your eyes. Results with these remedies will vary from noticeable to nothing.


This is the preferred way to take care of this problem. With the application of properly formulated eye creams, dark circles under the eyes can be treated conveniently and effectively. You don't need to pay a small fortune either. A very important factor here is to consider the ingredients. The skin under your eyes is extremely thin and sensitive. Creams containing retinol is often recommended, but this has been known to severely irritate the eye skin. Look for gentle natural products that do not contain harsh ingredients like alcohols or potential irritants like synthetic fragrances and mineral oils. A safe ingredient that is extremely effective at treating dark circles under the eyes is called Haloxyl. It was formulated specifically for this problem and produced impressive results in clinical trials. The additional advantage of using an eye cream or gel for this purpose is that it's a long term solution.

Advanced Treatments or Surgery

Laser treatment, chemical peels, filler injections and eyelid surgery have all been used for treating this problem. However, this should be your last resort as it can be expensive and will not necessarily provide long term relief. I hope you found this advice on how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes useful. Rest assured that in many cases you can treat this without the need for expensive surgeries and professional treatments.

What to do next: Don't tolerate these blemishes under your eyes any longer. Learn how to reduce dark circles naturally without the exorbitant cost and discomfort of surgery.

You can also read more about the secrets to looking 10 years younger in our special free natural facial skin care report.

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