You do not have to spend much money for purchasing special eye creams. Simply try a natural remedy for dark circles under eyes. When the skin around the eyes becomes thinner, the blood veins become more prominent.
Hence, such circles are formed under the eyes. There are many causes for these circles. Lack of proper sleep and fatigue could be one of them. Some people get the circles due to a hereditary reason.
Even age can contribute to them. Generally, as you grow older, your skin gets thinner with a tendency to sag. Depression, stress and lack of proper nutrients can also lead to them. Other causes for this problem could be hyper pigmentation, exposure to sun and overuse of certain drugs or medicines.
Generally, a minimum of eight hours of proper sleep is recommended for normal adults. Some people may need longer hours of sleep depending on certain factors. Doing regular exercise or meditation can release your pent-up emotions to reduce the problem of stress. Although there is not sufficient evidence yet but Vitamin K is reputed to cure the problem of dark colored circles around the eyes effectively.
Therefore, you may find eye creams, which contain this vitamin for removing such circles. Taking food, which is rich in this vitamin, is more effective than applying cream. Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and beets are rich in Vitamin K. For external cure, simply put slices of raw potato over your eyes for two-three times everyday until you are fully cured.
You can also massage pure almond oil into your skin for fifteen minutes or so before going to bed at night. Leaving the oil overnight produces results that are more effective rather than leaving it for some time. If you do not like the idea of using oil, you can apply an almond paste instead. Just grind some almonds and mix them with some milk.
Apply this paste on your skin and leave it for fifteen-twenty minutes. Another famous cure is cucumber slices. Simply leave them on your eyes for at least fifteen minutes. So, if you are suffering from the problem of dark circles under the eyes, try out some of these natural remedies.
Keep using them until you are cured of this problem. You do not have to fork out a lot of money to purchase special eye creams. Apart from external application, consider the effects of food intake, lack of proper sleep, stress and other factors.
In search of an all natural remedy for dark circles under eyes? Get the inside skinny from Skin Expert Kalpana on
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