Wednesday, January 29, 2014

3 Simple Tips to Finding the Best Eye Cream for Dry Scaly Skin

So you are looking for the best eye cream for dry scaly skin? Do you know how to find it?

Finding an effective eye cream for dry skin is something that isn't that difficult provided that you know exactly what to look for. There are a few precautions you need to take to successfully find the most effective cream for your skin.

In this article I will share 3 methods or techniques I personally use whenever I'm in search of a cream for the dry skin that's under my eyes.

Here's what I do...

Reviews - The first thing I do is use reviews. Skin care reviews are one the best ways to investigate whether or not a specific brand product is effective or not. Reviews are independent and most people will be as honest as they can when they write them.

This is important because you're getting reliable feedback about a product you haven't even use before. And since the person giving the review has the same problem as you do (dry eye skin), then if the cream works for them, there is a high chance that it will work for you too.

So use reviews as a research tool before you go shopping whenever you can.

Mineral Oil - There are some ingredients you absolutely need to avoid at all costs and mineral oil is one of them. If you have dry skin then mineral oil will make matters worse because it has a drying effective on skin.

Alcohols - Like mineral oil, some alcohols also seem to dry out skin. The ones you need to keep away from are ethanol, ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and SD alcohol.

In a nutshell to find the best eye cream for dry scaly skin I use reviews and also avoid any cream that contains mineral oil and the above alcohols.

John Lexon is a dedicated researcher of important issues that affect skin and health.

Visit his skincare website now at to discover the skin care products that he recommends after extensive research.

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