Friday, February 28, 2014

Causes and Treatments of Dry Skin Beneath Eyes

Have you ever wondered what causes the skin beneath eyes to be dry? Dealing with dry skin around eyes can be irritating and embarrassing. Keep reading to learn what measures you can take to prevent or improve this condition.


One major cause of dry skin beneath eyes is lack of sleep. If you stay up late on a regular basis this could be why you are beginning to see dryness and wrinkles around your eyes. Another reason is poor nutrition. It could be that you are not eating enough fruits and vegetables that contain Vitamins A and B. If you smoke cigarettes, it's highly possible that smoking is contributing to your dry skin. Smoking causes the skin to become tough. As we age our skin naturally becomes dryer and wrinkles appear. For women one cause of dry skin around eyes is the use of cosmetic products.


One thing to do for dry skin beneath eyes is to use cucumber slices. By placing the slices on your eyes, the cucumber will reduce puffiness and add moisture to dry skin.

Another thing that may help is to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet along with drinking 8 glasses of water a day. You may also want to consider taking vitamin supplements.

Also look for a high quality eye cream specifically for dry skin around eyes. Keep an eye out for products with ingredients such as keratin, and nourishing vitamins such as CoQ10. Read labels to find high quality products. There are many products on the market. Just be careful when applying creams around the eyes not get any into the eyes. This may cause irritation.

Two other treatments that may be useful for dry skin beneath eyes are propolis and petroleum jelly.

Propolis is a mixture that bees collect from tree buds, sap flowers, and other botanical sources. Bees use it to close off small unwanted holes in the hive. It contains a high amount of vitamins that will nourish the dry skin around eyes.

Another choice is to use petroleum jelly. The Food and Drug Administration approved petroleum jelly as a safe over-the-counter skin protectant. It is commonly used in cosmetic skin care products. Many lotions contain petroleum jelly.

Taking care of the dry skin beneath and around eyes is important to our appearance. Our eyes are often what captures another person's attention. Now that you know some of the causes of and treatments for dry skin beneath eyes, you have a starting point for improving the health of your skin. Continue reading and learning about ingredients in skin creams and you will find a product that will eliminate dry skin around eyes.

Laura Tobin has been researching health related issues for more than eight years. She shares her research into natural skin care on her website To learn more about effective, natural ways to improve the quality of your skin, remove wrinkles, and restore a youthful appearance visit

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