Does this describe you? The skin around your eyes is puffy and wrinkled, with dark blotches which make you look old and tired. You know you need a serious remedy but you're uncomfortable about rubbing anything into this very sensitive area. Well, if this sounds like something you've been struggling with, I'm here to tell you that doing a little research can really pay off when it comes to finding a safe, but effective eye cream for wrinkles and dark circles. I'm also here to give you a head start by sharing the results of my own personal research.
You see, because the skin in the eye area is so delicate, I knew I wanted a product that could be gentle and safe, as well as effective. However, I didn't expect to learn that effectiveness and gentleness go hand in hand.
How can that be?
Well, after reading several studies I found out skin care scientists prefer working with substances which have a molecular structure similar to human skin. The natural molecules of your skin respond to the natural molecules contained in bio-active extracts. When these two products of Nature (skin and natural extracts) are combined, they work together to bring about healing improvements in damaged skin cells.
If you have wrinkles and dark circles around your eyes, it's because the deep cellular structure has become damaged. When cells are damaged they can't function to produce enough collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid to support the underlying health of your skin.
When the health of the skin around the eyes is damaged it can result in diminished circulation, poor fluid drainage and fragile capillaries which leak. Wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness develop.
Most skincare companies make products which don't follow a natural approach. They know these substances work but are reluctant to pay the high cost of harvesting, testing and developing products. A Nature-based approach would cut into their booming profit margin.
But as the saying goes, "why fix what ain't broke?" The synthetic chemical formulas these companies have used for over 50 years help them dominate the cosmetics market. Not because these products work, but because synthetic chemicals are so cheap...leaving millions to spend on persuasive advertising.
Once I learned this, just thinking about the harsh chemical substances I've rubbed into the sensitive skin around my eyes makes me shudder.
But thinking about treating my skin with soothing, natural oils and emollients, compatible proteins, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids from natural sources makes complete sense.
Nature-based ingredients have been clinically-proven to be better at reducing wrinkles, bags and dark circles while softening and protecting the sensitive eye area.
Bio-active substances are like special nourishment for your skin cells. "Well-fed" cells have energy to do the work they were designed to do: keeping your skin firm, smooth and bright.
So now that you've read some of my personal discoveries about the best eye cream for wrinkles and dark circles, I'm sure you can see why it pays to do a little research. If you'd like to take up where I left off, just visit my web site and I can point you in the right direction.
Therese Higgins is a dedicated researcher and user of the best natural skin care. When it comes to achieving young, fabulous skin, Therese knows, "knowledge is power!" Learn more about the potent, clinically-tested natural substances being used to create the safest, most effective eye cream for wrinkles and dark circles. Visit now!
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