Friday, March 22, 2013

Learn the Truth of How to Rebuild Collagen in the Skin Underneath Eyes

Did you know that your eyes are the first thing people notice about you when they meet you?  Yes it is, therefore it is important to keep your eyes looking healthy.

So you would like to learn how to rebuild collagen in the skin underneath eyes to keep them looking healthy?

The area around your eyes are the most delicate and is very susceptible to thinning and damage, therefore it is very vulnerable to showing the signs of aging.

Your skin looses firmness and elasticity due to the depletion of collagen and elastin.  These are proteins that play a very important role in how your skin look.  They help to keep the structural fibers of your body glued together making it firm and strong.

You cannot rebuild collagen in skin underneath your eyes by using an eye cream that contain collagen.  Why you ask?  Because collagen's molecules are too large they cannot be absorbed into your skin.  Therefore don't rush out and buy creams because they contain collagen they just will not work to give you firm skin.

Fortunately, due to the advancement of science and technology there is a solution to this problem of aging skin due to loss of collagen.

I have been researching many different products and have found an eye contour gel that has worked fabulously to rebuild collagen in skin underneath eyes and the reason for its success is the ingredients it contains.

Here are some of the awesome natural ingredients:

Eyeliss: Formerly used in skin care products for the Hollywood Elites, however is now being used in skin care products for the regular consumers.  It will not be found in the everyday run-of-the-mill eye creams found in pharmacies and department stores.  It works effectively to reduce bags, dark circles and wrinkles underneath eyes.

Homeoage: An excellent anti-aging ingredient, extracted from a brown algae.  Provide natural mineral and vitamins that works to effectively reduce dark circles, bags and wrinkles in the skin underneath the eyes.

Cynergy TK,Phytessence Wakame, and Nanolipobelle HEQ10:  These are powerful antioxidants that work together to de-age your eyes.  They promote firmness and elasticity, reduce fine lines and wrinkles and protect your skin from free radical damage.

Visit my website for in depth information on how to rebuild collagen in skin underneath eyes naturally. 

Ingrid Palmer has been using and researching natural skin care product for many years. Visit her website for information on the best anti aging products she has researched and recommends.

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