Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Causes of Under Eye Circles Or Bags

Under eye circles or bags are a common bothersome issue for many women and men. There are countless over the counter treatments available for these circles, but few people are aware of the actual reason for their occurrence.

When trying to treat under eye circles, it is important to first ask yourself whether the circles just recently appeared or if they have been a long standing issue. The answer can lead to drastically different treatments.

If you developed circles recently and are somewhat confused about their presence, they can be a sign of the following:

Allergies--this can be a sign of allergies caused by a variety of different food or over the counter commercial beauty products such as under eye creams, mascaras, or eyeliners.
Kidney infection
If your circles have been a long standing issue and you suffer from them on a regular basis, they may be related to the following:

Pre Menstural Syndrome or PMS--if the circles around your eyes occur around your period, the cause may be water retention, a common symptom of PMS. A good way to treat PMS related circles is with natural diuretics such as green tea. Also try and eliminate salt, carbohydrates and excess liquid.
Hereditary causes--if your mother suffered from circles, it may simply be in your genes.
Malnourishment--combined with swollen looking eyes can be a sign that your body is lacking dietary proteins, essential fats, B-vitamins and folic acid.
Insomnia, stress, working for long hours in front of a computer or tiredness--combating circles caused by these factors involves the obvious, getting more sleep. Also relaxation and mediation techniques can be invaluable.
Some over the counter products can be very helpful, but make sure that they are not adding to the problem.

To find out more about treating under eye circles, visit the website of the Houston Medical Spa, Dermagenix, today.

James Witherspoon

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