Monday, June 24, 2013

The Shocking Truth Behind the Best Eye Cream For Wrinkles

The best eye cream for wrinkles may be a little difficult to find. They don't sell it at your local cosmetic counter. You won't find it on a shelf at the drug store. Let me tell you a little about it.

The company that makes it set out to come up with the best skincare products in the world, without causing any harmful side effects. Many of the ingredients used by cosmetic companies are known allergens. Some of them even cause cancer.

The company's researchers looked at any thing that claimed to be the best eye cream for wrinkles. They compared the ingredients used by some of the biggest brand names and even the expensive designer lotions. Because, they wanted to come up with something better.

They learned that the claims made by cosmetic company advertisements were based on just a few active compounds. When they analyzed them, they found surprisingly low concentrations of the active ingredients. Mostly, they were made up of synthetic fillers and waxes.

So, they decided that they could easily make the best eye cream for wrinkles, just by using more active ingredients, at a higher concentration than most companies use. They knew it would be more expensive, but they keep the costs down in other ways. They don't advertise on TV or in magazines.

That's where the cosmetic companies get most of their business. So, they have to keep advertising and they keep raising the prices on their products, even though they don't use better or more effective ingredients.

The most effective compounds for crow's feet, bags and dark circles are protein peptides, plant extracts, antioxidants, honey and plant waxes that moisturize without causing excessive oiliness. In clinical trials, these safe ingredients have been shown to reduce wrinkles in 62% of the volunteers tested.

I don't know of any other company that can make that claim, because most of them don't conduct clinical trials before they release a product. It's too expensive. It adds to their costs. If the company is located in the United States, they don't have to prove that an ingredient is effective. They don't even have to prove that it's safe.

That may have been okay at one time, when topical ointments did not penetrate the epidermis. But, the latest nanotechnology allows topically applied compounds to penetrate deeply into many of the skin's layers, down through the tissues and even into the muscles.

The new Botox alternative, for example, is supposed to paralyze tiny muscles responsible for facial expressions. No one knows if that's safe or even effective.

The best eye cream for wrinkles uses that technology to combine the antioxidants vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 and create an emulsion that can penetrate deeply destroying free radicals as it goes. We know antioxidants are safe. We also know that it is free radical damage that causes the fine lines, the age spots and the other signs of aging, as well as cancer.

So, look for best eye cream for wrinkles and look better for the rest of your life. But, remember to be safe. Click Here to Discover how to get rid of Dark Circles and Wrinkles under eyes. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines, and damaged skin visit to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.

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