If you knew the things botox pushers didn't want you to know, well, you'd never opt for a botox injection again. Why? Because when it comes to treating eye wrinkles and undereye bags, botox doesn't hold a candle to the best eye wrinkle cream. As a matter of fact, not only is botox ineffective for treating eye wrinkles, it can be downright dangerous to boot.
Most botox users don't have the slightest inclination as to what they are being injected with. Why is this? Because if they did know, they would say "No way Doc! You're not putting that poison in me!"
You heard correctly, poison. A bacterial neurotoxin called botulinum to be more precise. This botulinum is not only one of the world's most poisonous substances, but it's even capable of taking a life when introduced in large quantities. Do you honestly believe that injecting yourself with a neurotoxin is the best way to get rid of eye wrinkles and under eye bags? For your sake, I truly hope not.
The other big downside to botox injections is that it really only helps with one issue of facial revitalization, motion wrinkles. These are the wrinkles that are formed from repeated facial movements. Aside from those few wrinkles, nothing else is going to be taken care of. This includes finelines, crowsfeet, eye wrinkles, undereye bags, skin discoloration, sun damage, age spots, etc. So basically, you have 1 problem solved, and about 9-10 to go. Still sound like a miracle cure?
When you compare all the drawbacks to botox with the drawbacks to using the best eye wrinkle cream, the answer will be staring you right in the face. Botox is costly, dangerous, and generally ineffective, while the best eye wrinkle cream is affordable, safe & natural, and highly effective. Seriously, you'd have to be brain dead not to see the better choice here.
If you'd like to learn more about the www.wrinkleremovercreams.com/under-eye-wrinkle-cream.html best eye wrinkle cream, effective wrinkle treatments, and how to get rid of eye wrinkles without botox, you should visit www.wrinkleremovercreams.com www.WrinkleRemoverCreams.com, a highly popular website about anti-wrinkle cream and natural wrinkle removal.
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