Monday, February 11, 2013

Anti-Aging Eye Cream Myths

Marketing minds sure are creative aren't they? Everywhere I look, I see new angles and marketing techniques that make things seem a little bit better than the next product, even if that isn't always the truth. I will do my best to spell out some myths in this article. Eye cream buyers, enjoy.

What is the difference between an eye cream, an eye gel, and an eye serum?

Essentially, these eye care products can all be easily grouped together in what I call "eye wrinkle creams." This term pretty much sums up any application you put around the eye area. Essentially, an eye wrinkle cream could be marketed as a gel, a cream, or a serum. There is little, and in many cases not one difference between these terms. They are all derived from sharp marketing minds, although some experts will argue that a cream has different levels of liquid and therefore is heavier, and vice versa. "Eye wrinkle cream" is simply a funky word that has become a popular among consumers when they go to Google and look for an eye cream. So, to answer my own question, a cream, a gel, and a serum all go for the same effect, which is to treat eye wrinkles.

So, don't listen to fancy marketing telling you why one is better than the other. It's all marketing material.

Will my eye cream work on my face?

Yes, but it would be a waste of money to use it in that fashion. Creams are formulated for the area under your eyes. The skin thins as you age, and you need to replenish that with nutrients that stimulate cell regrowth. Eye creams are formulated in this way, and it's important you apply them under the eyes only. Sure, they may have anti-aging qualities on your cheeks and on your forehead, but that is why wrinkle creams are sold. Use the products as directed and don't deviate.

Is the most expensive eye cream the best one?

In this business, the answer is usually yes. The upper tier of eye creams are priced higher due to the active ingredients. These ingredients cost money, and of course, they cost money because they work. So, while the highest priced one may not be the best one on the market, it certainly will work better than the cheapest ones out there. Sometimes, you truly do get what you pay for.

I hope this answers some questions people have had about eye creams. It's important to use these as part of your daily regimen as you age, or as a preventative measure if you are a young adult but have a lot of exposure to the sun. Remember, wrinkle prevention is much easier than wrinkle correction.

Geneva is an aspiring author and contributor to several blogs, including Best Eye Cream

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