Sunday, February 10, 2013

Better Than Wrinkle Creams - Advanced At-Home Methods to Reduce The Signs of Aging

Hormesis is a concept based on the premise that a little bit of biological harm, such as toxins or poisons, can affect long-term health benefits in organisms. Oncologists utilize hormesis when administering chemotherapy to cancer patients. Now, researchers have found a way to integrate hormesis into the anti-aging therapies. Though the name sounds complicated, consumers can now take advantage of anti-aging hormesis in their own living room.

Scientists have noted that a treatment known as repeated mild heat stress reverses the signs of aging among normal human skin fibroblasts (cells the make up human skin).

Delivering heat of 41 degrees Celsius (105 degrees Fahrenheit) for one hour twice weekly to human skin fibroblasts elicited a list of skin age reducing benefits. For instance, the repeated mild heat stress reduced the accumulation of proteins damaged by sugar metabolism or oxidation. The skin cells also experienced greater resistance to damage inducing elements like ethanol, hydrogen peroxide and UV-B rays.

While repeated mild heat stress may sound like an exotic medical treatment, you could incorporate this technique into your beauty regime just as easily as brushing your teeth. Since many home massages now include infrared heating devices, you can use these instruments to tone your skin while simultaneously administering heat.

You could easily fit in two cumulative hours of heated facial massaging each week while watching your favorite TV show, surfing the web, checking your email, or even while chatting on the phone.


Rattan, Suresh & Ali Rehab. Hormetic Prevention of Molecular Damage during Cellular Aging of Human Skin Fibroblasts and Keratinocytes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; April 2007; vol 1100, no 1, pp 424-430.

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