Saturday, March 30, 2013

Best Over the Counter Eye Wrinkle Cream - The Right Ingredients For This Sensitive Area

The best over the counter eye wrinkle cream needs to contain the right ingredients for the area around the eyes. Here's what works best for eye wrinkles.

First, over the counter -- meaning no prescription required -- is a safer choice in eye cream. The one prescription wrinkle drug available (under more than one brand name) carries the risk of severe side effects, including birth defects if used by a pregnant woman, and for everyone, a warning that it may "impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert."

So what's different about eye wrinkles that calls for special ingredients?

-- The skin around the eyes is thinner and more sensitive than anywhere else on your face. The same ingredients that work beautifully on the rest of your face must be used with care around the eyes, because the extra sensitivity might lead to eye irritation.

-- Also, there are two big problems, bags and dark circles under the eyes, that make eye wrinkles seem even worse for most of us.

Some ingredients that target all these problems and have proven themselves in clinical testing:

-- Eyeliss, invented in Europe, reduces bags under the eyes. Puffy eyes are caused by fluid build-up -- from poor drainage in that thin skin under the eyes, plus leaks from the tiny blood vessels (the capillaries) and the loss of elasticity in aging skin.

Eyeliss deals directly with all these problems by improving drainage, strengthening those delicate capillaries and increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

In a 28-day study, two-thirds of the volunteers showed a marked reduction in bags under the eyes, from just this one ingredient.

-- Haloxyl reduces dark circles under the eyes. It gradually removes the reddish-purple hemoglobin (from those leaky capillaries) to lighten the skin under the eyes.

-- Homeo Age, an extract of Canadian algae, reduces wrinkles under the eyes and stimulates growth of new skin cells by 25 percent, according to a recent clinical trial.

-- Active Manuka Honey, first discovered by scientists at Waitako University in New Zealand, is made by bees feeding on certain varieties of Manuka bush native to New Zealand.

It penetrates the skin, nourishing and making it look younger and softer. It has powerful antibacterial properties, measured by the New Zealand scientists and labeled the Unique Manuka Factor. It is also loaded with antioxidants and stimulates the skin's own immune system.

Check my website for more on what I consider to be the best over the counter eye wrinkle cream.

Kathryn Lane is a longtime health and nutrition researcher. The best skincare products she has found have never been the most expensive or the most heavily advertised. Her website names them:

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