Sunday, March 24, 2013

Do Your Eyes Show Your Age? They Don't Have To

As we age we tend to show it in many ways especially in our skin. Excessive sun exposure, a lack of water, smoking, our diet and pollution can all add to our skin damage. The good news is that you do not have to just let this skin damage happen. There are ways to improve and slow down the aging of your skin. There are many skin products available to help your skin look much younger. The most important area to be concerned with is around the eyes. So, getting the best cream for eye wrinkles is very important for trying to attain or keep a wrinkle free face.

Fine lines that extend from the corners of your eyes are called crows feet. They begin ever so faintly, but can deepen each year if you do not become proactive in stopping them. Some people think they don't look bad, especially at first, but it should be a sign to take better care of your skin if you want to keep them from becoming deep wrinkles that really make you look older.

Some people use makeup to cover-up or reduce the signs of eye wrinkles. However, this solution is short-lived. Using an eye cream under make-up and at night that will actually work on repairing your skin is a better choice for long term effectiveness.

As we age, our skin tends to lose its elasticity. This is due to the collagen reduction that your body produces as you age. There are ingredients in good eye creams that will help to restore your skins elasticity. This will reduce the appearance of wrinkles, as well as, preventing new wrinkles. A good eye cream will also moisturize your skin which helps with the lack of hydration problem already mentioned.

In addition to moisturizing and restoring elasticity, you should also look for an eye cream that will protect your skin from harmful sun rays. Over the years, the sun can damage your skin below the surface without you even noticing. So, to prevent further damage from the sun be sure to look for sun protection in your eye cream.

Lastly, when you are selecting an eye cream try selecting one that has been clinically tested. Rather than just going on their claims of what the cream can do, you will have proof that it will actually do as they claim.

Even though none of us can stop the years from passing, we can most certainly help ourselves to look and feel better as we do age. Using a good eye cream is a good place to start your anti-aging quest.

Say Goodbye to Wrinkles, click here [].

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