The area under our eyes is often commented on by other people. Most comments are derived from dark rings, swollen or red skin or even the fine wrinkles on your skin. Why? Because its so noticeable. People look at your eyes when they talk to you, and dark rings and the other mentioned problems stand out.
An ointment that has been around for over 80 years and that is derived from Papaw fruit is finding many new uses as it gains popularity. This ointment is called Lucas' Papaw Ointment and is famous for being a general purpose skincare product. This ointment is the secret behind creating healthier skin under your eyes.
The application of this ointment is simple. Cleanse the area under your eyes and go about your normal cleanse, tone & moisturize routine if you have one, if not then just clean the area with water. Smear some of the ointment over the area before bedtime, and repeat nightly.
Where did I find this information? On forums of course. There's no better way to judge a product then to hear normal, everyday people's experiences with it. The person who started the topic wrote this:
'I ran out of under eye cream, & read in vogue from this month that one of the skin consultants uses Lucas' Paw Paw ointment under her eyes to lock in the moisture.. and damn it worked a wonder for me.. I put it on at night after the usual cleanse, tone & moisturize routine.
I have been using it for the past 2 nights and the skin is so plump and fine lines are gone... i know it sounds crazy but I wasn't paying much attention to that area and I'm only 21 so I guess fine lines shouldn't be too much of an issue yet but they were...
But yeah, in conclusion I definitely recommend anyone to give it a try'
For more information on the product, Visit this site Lucas' Papaw Ointment
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