Eye swelling, more often than not, is a skin condition rather than an eye problem. It is not really your eyes that bloats and turns puffy but the skin that surrounds it. The tissues around the eyes are called orbits.
The main reason why this happens is because of fluid retention. Fluid retention, on the other hand, can be triggered by the following things:
1. Excessive crying
The tell-tale sign of excessive crying is the swelling of the skin around the eyes. Other than overworking your tear glands, this is also caused by the salt content of tears. Salt holds on to two molecules of water at the same time. Fluid retains in the orbits and does not get flushed out right away.
You can avoid the appearance of puffy eyes by applying an ice pack on your eyes. The cold temperature of ice will help shrink skin tissues.
2. Lack of sleep
Notice that when you lack sleep, your eyes look horrendous. Your skin becomes paler and this makes eye circles look more prominent. In addition to that, lack of sleep prevents your body from correcting damaged dermis tissues. As a result, skin tissues become bloated and puffy.
Sleep at least 6 hours daily. Make sure you also catch up on your sleep as soon as possible.
3. Poor skin health
Old people are more prone to the appearance of puffy eyes. That is because the skin can no longer put up defences to the onslaught of toxins and other aging problems. You need to improve the health of your skin by applying an effective happinesslifetime.com eye cream.
Use an happinesslifetime.com eye cream that contains happinesslifetime.com anti aging benefits. Products that contain CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Eyeliss work.
CynergyTK is an ingredient loaded with functional keratin. Its functional keratin component can improve the production of collagen and elastin. This will help improve the elasticity of your dermis so your skin tissues can still go back to their original shape. Phytessence Wakame is a sea kelp from Japan. This can get rid of harmful enzymes that attack hyaluronic acid, the acid that supplies moisture to collagen proteins.
Eyeliss is loaded with beneficial natural peptides. Peptides plump up weak skin cells in the skin so you can have better cellular circulation. It reduces the likelihood of eye swelling.
4. Infection
The least likely cause by this condition is infection. If the skin around your eyes feels painful, you have to consult an eye doctor. To prevent this from happening, do not rub your eyes. Your hands might contain germs and bacteria that might cause infection.
And now I would like to invite you to visit www.goodhealthyskin.com www.goodhealthyskin.com to find out which are the www.goodhealthyskin.com anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.
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