Nothing takes away the energetic, engaging looks you deserve like the dark, puffy under eye bags. These nuisances can easily make you look a few years older. If the puffiness is due to a fat pad underneath the eye, only surgical procedure can remove them. However, for most people, the problem is caused by fluid build-up, right topical eye cream can certainly help.
What causes the fluid build-up? Fundamentally, it is the weakening of the skin cells and capillary walls under the eye area. Fluid gradually leaks into the surrounding tissues and creates the baggy appearance. There are a few causes can aggravate the situation:
1. Salt and fluid intake. If you consume a lot of salty food, the water retains in your body more easily. At the end of the day, the fluid accumulates in the lower legs due to gravity. During the night, the fluid gets distributed to the face as we lay on bed. The delicate under eye area is most noticeable with this effect. It can be helpful to drink a lot of water throughout the day to flush out salt, and avoid too much drink before bedtime.
2. Allergy. Allergy can easily cause puffy bags. If you have an chronic allergic problem, find the allergic source, or see a physician. It will effectively improve the situation by removing the allergens and applying puffiness reducing eye cream.
3. Crying. Crying makes the eye area puffy for obvious reason. Applying ice bags or a bag of frozen peas for a few minutes generally helps. Try to sleep with your head elevated and use light eye cream.
4. Aging. As you age, the skin loses the elasticity and firmness. The lymphatic circulation slows down and causes poor drainage. The capillary wall gets more fragile. This helps fluid to penetrate and permeate the surrounding tissues. A patented synthetic peptide such as Eyeliss was created to target these 3 problems to improve puffiness. When used in conjunction with other active ingredients such as Halyoxl in an eye cream, you can actually improve the vitality of the skin cells under eye areas. You eyes will be brightened with less puffiness and less dark circle.
There are other home remedies can bring you temporary relief. Caffeinated tea bags contain tannins and natural astringent properties that soothe away puffiness. Chamomile tea bags contain the puffiness reducer bisabolol. Steep teabags in boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Then place the teabags in the refrigerator until cool. Place the cool teabags directly on your lids. Another home remedy is to place sliced cool potato over your eyes. It is a bit messy but potatoes contain the enzyme catecholase which acts as a skin lightener.
Caty Chen is a strong advocate for healthy living and natural skin care. Visit her website to learn about the skin care products Caty uses daily.
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