How do you go about preventing eye wrinkles? Wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes are very common among both men and women. They also serve to make you look old before your time more so than virtually any other facial feature. In this article we'll take a look at three measures you can take to reduce any eye wrinkles you may have, and also prevent the formation of new ones.
Tip #1: Watch your facial expressions
The eye area is a very expressive area on the face. As such, asking you to control your facial expressions may sound like I'm telling you to control your emotions. That's not practical though. Obviously you shouldn't try not to laugh when you find something funny! However, there may be things you're doing subconsciously, like squinting when you're reading or working on the computer, or when you're out in the sun. Doing this for long periods of time can help the skin around your eyes to wrinkle. Paying attention every now and then to what you're doing with the muscles around your eyes can be a big help in preventing eye wrinkles.
Tip #2: Sun protection
As with any signs of aging skin, the sun plays a big part in wrinkles around the eyes. Wearing sunglasses is the best way to protect the eyes, as some sunscreens may irritate the eye area. It is especially not recommended to apply them to the sensitive skin under the eyes. This loosely ties in to tip 1 as well. If your eyes are sensitive to sunlight, you'll walk around squinting if you're not wearing sunglasses.
Tip #3: Use anti wrinkle eye cream that actively prevents wrinkles
The job of a decent anti wrinkle cream for the eye area is not only to get rid of existing wrinkles. It should also aid in preventing eye wrinkles from forming in the long term.
To do this your eye wrinkle cream needs to do 3 things:
1. It must be absolutely non-irritating - some eye creams contain harmful ingredients like harsh alcohols that will do more harm than good
2. It must contain powerful antioxidants like CoenzymeQ10 to encourage new skin cell growth and fight free radical damage
3. It must contain ingredients specifically formulated to address problems around the sensitive eye area
To discover what the best ingredients for wrinkle free eyes are, and where to find them, visit my website below.
What to do next: Don't suffer wrinkles around the eyes any longer. Discover the 100% safe and natural solution to wrinkle free eyes right now. You can also read more about the secrets to looking 10 years younger in our special free natural facial skin care report.
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