Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Favorite Skin Care Products - Eye Replenishing Cream

When you think of replenishing eye cream, there are many ideas that come to mind. It is my favorite skin care product. I refer to it as eight hours of sleep in a bottle because it zaps away dark circles and lines in twenty minutes. What about you? What is your favorite skin care product? We all have a group of products we rely on to keep our skin looking young, beautiful and healthy. If you are conscious about your skin care you probably have a set skin care system coupled with supplemental skin care products for your problem spots. But skin care is more than just the products you use. You feed your skin from the inside out.

Your skin shows the world what is going on inside. It reflects stress, poor diet, and lack of sleep. You know how when you see red and yellow mixed together you instantly think of a certain fast food restaurant? Then you get a craving for that over the top, loaded with bad stuff, greasy burger at the top of their menu. Once you have finished eating that seemingly delicious meal you start to feel gassy, bloated, and overall gross because you realize how much junk you just put in your body. Your skin feels all those same feelings. Fat cells are stored just below the skins surface and secrete the extra enzymes through your skin. Caffeine, sugars, and fats in excess all wreak havoc on our bodies. You can satisfy all of those cravings simply by curbing what you are eating to something from a healthy side of the menu. For example, sugar and fat are both found in chocolate. Next time that sweet tooth sneaks up on you, reach for dark chocolate. Less sugar and fat than traditional chocolate, plus it is loaded with antioxidants to help promote cellular growth and fight the signs of aging on your skin. It is important that we nourish our bodies with foods that make us feel and look good.

Another way we feel great is by getting proper sleep and exercise. Too often we pass up sleep to finish the last bit of the days work. But what is the point of feeling accomplished at 1am when at 6am you are regretting it because you are now exhausted before your day has even started? By getting the recommended six to eight hours of sleep we allow our bodies time to rejuvenate. Sleep promotes mental clarity and gives our bodies the chance to distress. Exercise is like cleaning. You hate to do it, but once it is done your mind is filled with feel-good feelings. Exercise gives your body the opportunity to secrete out toxins in the skin through your sweat. It of course also promote overall physical well being. When your body feels good on the inside, it radiates on the outside. Another bonus to exercise is that by raising your body temperature you automatically fight off germs that cause colds. The endorphins released during exercise instantly increase your mood which helps you feel less stressed and overall happy.

Eating right, sleeping, and exercise are not a new development in the world of health and beauty. They are the "supplemental products" to great skin care. Beauty is more than skin deep; take care of you and let your natural beauty shine through.

Bob has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Skin care and eye creams, you can also check out his latest website about Sunquest Tanning Beds Which reviews and lists the best Used Tanning Bed.

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