Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Finding the Best Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream

That new anti wrinkle eye cream you just purchased could be hazardous for your health. Right now, everyone is talking about that new "better than Botox" cream.

For a while, the buzz was about the creams that added collagen. Later, the buzz shifted to hyaluronic acid. Who knows what the next fad will be?

The Botox alternative relies on a synthetically created substance that is molecularly similar to a naturally occurring compound.

OK, and that affects me how? The thing to really remember is, the ingredient that some companies are promoting as "natural," really isn't.

The other thing to remember is that no one can say for sure that this ingredient is safe for long-term use. In order to be effective, the anti wrinkle eye cream that contains this synthetic peptide must be applied for at least 30 days. That's according to the company's own clinical studies.

If you apply something to your skin for 30 days in a row, some of the ingredients are going to end up in your blood stream. This ingredient is designed to do just that.

It was specially formulated to penetrate the skin's barrier, which protects the rest of our body from harm, and enter the tiny muscles of your face and "numbing" them.

It might not be a cause for concern for long, because the FDA says that if the claims the company's making are true, then this ingredient is actually a new drug and as such must go through the process needed to bring a new drug to market.

So, either the companies are exaggerating or they will have to remove their products from the market until further testing can be done.

Many of the ingredients included in topical anti wrinkle eye cream are there because the public recognizes them as something used by a cosmetic surgeon.

Collagen and hyaluronic acid are two of the proteins that make up connective tissue in our skin, as well as Keratin. Collagen and hyaluronic acid, for example, are injected into the deepest layer of fatty tissue to "stretch out" wrinkles and fine lines.

It's like blowing up a balloon with the effects being only temporary. However, when those ingredients are applied directly to the skin, they have no benefit at all.

Researchers have shown that the protein levels in our skin slowly fall as we age. Can we help our skin to repair itself by replacing some of that protein? Researchers say, yes, as long as the protein compound we use is manufactured correctly and the protein is extracted carefully and remains active.

Xtend-TK, an ingredient in the best anti wrinkle eye cream, is actually a combination of natural bioactive keratin and a nutritional hydrolysed keratin, which are proteins extracted from sheep's wool and manufactured under the strictest controls so that they remain active. In clinical studies, Xtend-TK has been shown to improve elasticity and increase the skin's thickness, while inhibiting inflammation.

So, you get rid of the bags and the crow's feet, plus the dark circles disappear as the skin becomes thicker and covers up those tiny capillaries that cause the darkness.

There are many other important ingredients to look for, but that should get you started in the right direction on your search for anti wrinkle eye cream. Look for Xtend-TK.

Kylie Reed: Dedicated to finding, using and researching skin care products which will reverse and/or slow the aging process by rejuvenating our skin naturally, healthfully and affordably!

For more information on how to improve the look and feel of your skin, naturally and healthfully you'll want to visit the following website:

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