Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dark Circles Under the Eye - What Are the Really Effective Ingredients and Which Ones to Avoid!

I bet you did not know that the fourth finger is the best one for applying any eye cream? Well, that is not essential to get rid of dark circles under the eye but I can tell you that what is on that finger will make all the difference.

If you pick up an over the counter eye cream or serum as it is so grandly called, have a good look at the list of ingredients, that is, if you can read them. I often feel like carrying a magnifying glass around with me!

If you see any of the preservatives mentioned below, you can leave it on the shelf. These preservatives are there just to prolong shelf life and keep away the mould. They may be very effective at doing that but they are also linked with certain diseases and conditions which are best avoided. These can cause the skin to be irritated or even infected. The most common ones are DMDM hydantoin, formaldehyde and phenoxyethanol.

Then there are a whole range of ingredients which have been linked in some way with cancer or disturbances in the endocrine system. The most common ones here are vinyl choloride, chloroform, hexachlorophene and mercury compounds.

So, if you are looking for a really effective eye serum, I can tell you that the ingredients must be as skin friendly as possible and you will want to avoid all the synthetic compounds which will never be fully compatible with our skin. That is so important when we want to get rid of dark circles under the eye.

So, what are the effective ingredients which will do the job, without it costing us an arm and a leg? I know of at least ten ingredients which will get to work on getting rid of these eye circles under the eye.

Let me tell you about one of them which is called Haloxyl. As you are aware, we lose some of the natural fat which plumps up our skin as we age. This special ingredient can actually reduce wrinkles in the eye area and help to restore some of that plumpness that we have lost with the years.

Another problem is that there is poor circulation in that area, the skin gets thinner and the veins tend to leak. The resulting increase in pigmentation from the lost blood is what makes the eye area rather unattractive and leads to dark circles under the eye.

Isn't it time you moved into the next millennium as this is only one of the innovative ingredients which can really make that vital difference? You can find other ingredients which will keep levels of HA, regenerate collagen and also moisturize with fabulously natural ingredients. Now is the time to overtake all the rest and show that dark circles under the eye will soon be just a bad memory.

Tired of the same old worthless products that fail to live up to their promises? Discover some really effective ingredients used in cutting edge products to get rid of dark circles under the eye. William Colbert is a natural health enthusiast who has researched the best natural ingredients for a safe and effective skin care treatment.

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