Friday, November 22, 2013

Smooth Wrinkles Around Your Eyes

What happens if you use an anti-aging product to smooth the wrinkles around your eyes? Perhaps your skin will develop wrinkles more quickly and you will rely more on your favorite anti-wrinkle cream.

While it may seem logical to think this, it is actually far from the truth. It would be like saying, "Don't drink too much water, you might get addicted." You are actually providing your skin with something it can no longer do for itself, and that is giving it extra hydration and special age-fighting ingredients to keep the skin supple and young looking.

The problem is that the skin around the eye area is very delicate. Consequently, it is the first place where wrinkles set in and the place where wrinkles tend to be the deepest. You can blame it on genetics, sun-exposure, or having that great ability to "smile with your eyes." Regardless of how those wrinkles got there (or soon will get there) you need to do something about it or you will definitely look like you've neglected that part of your face.

You might be tempted to use a daily moisturizer around the eye, but don't! The skin around the eye area is too thin. Remember that the only products you should use around the eye area are ones that specify they are safe for that purpose. If you use something not designed for the eye area, you will find that your eyes will sting and burn and the skin will be irritated.

So, the big question that needs to be answered is this: "When should you start giving extra care to the skin around your eyes?" The answer is that most people benefit from using an anti-aging product for the eye area as early as their twenties to prevent wrinkles. If you can prevent those eye wrinkles from forming deeply, then you will be ahead of the anti-aging game. If you are older than that, the second answer to the big question is "Now!"

Most eye creams found on the market are anti-aging and are usually more expensive. If you are younger and just want a moisturizer that is safe for the eye area, there are some gels and other eye creams that are less expensive and will provide this benefit for you. If you suffer from eye puffiness, look for products that contain cucumber extract (yes, it really does work!)

Remember, adding an anti-aging eye product to your skin care program sooner, rather than later, will help prevent severe wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

To get more information on how to smooth the wrinkles around your eyes click the links below. Be sure to grab your Free Report titled "Guide to Healthy, Beautiful, Wrinkle and Blemish Free Skin" to learn other important ways to care for your skin.

Kaelyn Hales is a well respected skin care consultant who shares the best secrets to take care of your skin. She has helped hundreds of people care for and remedy their skin problems, while helping others find the right color cosmetic combinations for their personality type and skin tone. Claim your copy of the "Guide to Healthy, Beautiful, Wrinkle and Blemish Free Skin," at

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