Monday, February 17, 2014

Remove Dark Circles From Under Your Eyes - 5 Shocking Discoveries!

There's nothing flattering about dark circles under your eyes. The crazy reality is that millions of people suffer from this condition. I'd like to help shed some light on both the causes and solutions. Think you can handle it?

Actually, it's not that bad. While we can discuss the obvious culprits; lack of sleep, age, and stress, I think it might be more beneficial to actually discuss WHY our eyes form dark circles under them, and why it can sometimes seem impossible to get rid of them.

Remove Dark Circles From Under Your Eyes - 5 Shocking Discoveries:

An acidic blood stream caused by poor diet and lack of ample hydration is the #1 offender. The dark circles make you look somewhat "dead," wouldn't you agree? Well, you are what you eat! Eat dead foods, completely ignore the laws of proper nutrition, and it will show. You know the drill. Fresh fruits, veggies, and purified water. Your best friends - avocados, flax oil, raw almonds, and wheat grass juice!
Heredity can be a monster of an obstacle! But there are ways to sidestep heredity. A major dietary overhaul like the one mentioned above is HUGE, but there are some great fatty-acid rich topicals and eye creams that can also help you tremendously.
Lack of sleep shows on your face. This is a no-brainer. Your eyes will look puffy & dark, and if poor sleep habits are observed over a long period of time, you will use up so much precious nerve energy that you will literally age twice as fast as folks who get plenty of rest. 8 hours is commonly accepted as ample. However, if you eat really well and get plenty of exercise, 6 should suffice. In fact, if you are completely alkaline (eating green veggies and raw foods exclusively), you could even make due with 4 hours!
Stress causes acidity in the body, which takes us full-circle to discovery #1. Take time to relax. Breathe deeply and slowly. Listen to nice, soothing music. Treat yourself to a bubble bath every day! Remove as many stressful elements from your life as possible. It's amazing what a positive shift in your diet can do for your stress levels. Please do NOT overlook the importance of what you put into your body. It's the most important thing!
Aging, of course... but why? It's simple. Skin becomes thinner, and the delicate capillaries under that skin become weaker, eventually leaking blood. Gross, I know. But that's what happens. New, breakthrough solutions are becoming available for this.

To recap, there are two primary ways you can remove dark circles under eyes []. The first of these ways involves lifestyle. Diet, exercise, relaxation, etc.

The second way, of course, is to use a powerful, anti-aging eye cream. There is one eye cream in particular is making an enormous stir in the dermatology community. I'd like you to look into it. It's producing the kinds of results that have never been seen before. See for yourself! Go to [] now!

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