Friday, November 30, 2012

A Truly Effective Eye Cream For Dry Skin

Let's face it. An eye cream for dry skin should address all of the causes of skin sagging and wrinkling. The best eye cream for dry scaly skin will use all natural ingredients to solve these problems. Too often you will run across products that do absolutely nothing for your skin, because they simply do not contain the ingredients that are needed in order to cause the changes that you need.

An eye cream for dry skin that gives you collagen, elastin, petroleum based moisturizers, and a host of various chemical additives and preservatives will offer you little hope of healing your skin. For one thing, collagen and elastin are totally wasted as ingredients in topical skin care products, because they are too molecularly dense to pass through your skin.

What can be considered the best eye cream for dry scaly skin will be the one that seeks to reverse the loss of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid that causes your skin to wrinkle and sag. It will also treat the thinning of the skin underneath the eye, which causes bags to form, increase the ability to remove fluid and hemoglobin, and increase circulation to the area.

An eye cream for dry skin should not use petroleum based ingredients as the primary moisturizing agents. These compounds will do nothing beneficial for your skin, and will actually clog your pores, interfere with the natural exfoliation process, and lead your skin to become even drier. Stick with products containing plant based oils instead.

The best eye cream for dry scaly skin will contain such ingredients as macadamia and avocado oils, Babassu palm wax, Maracuja passion fruit extract, and Jojoba. It will also offer you the power of Functional Keratin, and Phytessence Wakame. These two ingredients will increase the amount of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid that your body is producing.

Once Functional Keratin and Phytessence Wakame have worked their magic by ridding your skin of lines and wrinkles what your eye cream for dry skin should rely on are the ingredients known as Eyeliss, and Haloxyl. These two enzyme and peptide based ingredients will simply do wonders when it comes to firming up the area surrounding the eye, and they will improve function in the area.

Eyeliss and Haloxyl in the best eye cream for dry scaly skin will cause a thickening of the skin underneath the eye, will speed up the removal of hemoglobin and fluids, reduces capillary fragility and improves circulation, and will increase the firmness and elasticity in the surrounding area. They will also reduce the tendency to develop dark circles that you sometimes see in older people.

Now that you know this, put it to the test today! If your eye cream for dry skin contains the ingredients that I have listed here then you will be on your way to healthy, younger looking skin from the first day that you use it. If noticeable results are what you want from your skin care products then you have to make sure that they contain the right ingredients. Otherwise, you will simply be spinning your wheels.

Visit my site to learn about more amazing natural skin care substances you have probably never heard of.

Laurel is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research:

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