Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How Can Smoking Increase The Appearance Of Eye Wrinkles?

Smoking undoubtedly speeds up the aging process. A cigarette is loaded with different types of toxins and chemicals. Those impurities and poisons can be absorbed by the dermis. This can lead to the breaking down of collagen fibers and tissue-regenerating vitamins in the skin.

The thin-skinned layers of the body are the ones that get affected most. The eye area, for example, is made up of thin and fragile dermis layers. It makes it easier for chemicals and poisons to damage collagen fibers. Moreover, the body fails to transport blood and fluid efficiently to the eye area due to constricting blood vessels. These problems prompt the appearance of eye wrinkles.

You should kick away this bad habit starting today. You can't defy the aging process if you don't do something about this bad vice.

Also use the following treatments to correct the damages caused by cigarette smoke to your eye skin:

1. Try purging out impurities in your system through a good detoxification method. Drink lots of water to flush out toxins. Also take Vitamin C-rich drinks like oranges or apple juice. Vitamin C is needed to bring back the reliable production of collagen. With more collagen in the integumentary system, your dermis can better rebuild a firm and resilient structure.

2. I suggest using an happinesslifetime.com eye cream. This can speed up the healing process of damaged tissues and collagen fibers. Just make sure you are using a product that contains corrective natural ingredients such as Eyeliss, CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame.

Eyeliss is an ingredient that contains natural peptides. Peptides help plump up weak skin cells in the system. It also improves the thickness of dermis tissues. CynergyTK supplies keratin to the dermis. Keratin is needed to boost the production of collagen and elastin. Phytessence Wakame is what you need to lubricate collagen and dermis tissues. This sea herb has the ability to preserve hyaluronic acid. This acid is vital for collagen lubrication.

3. You should also try drinking fresh carrot juice. It contains beta carotene. Beta carotene is a form of Vitamin A that can repair damaged skin tissues and cells. You can also use the juice as a topical treatment for your eye wrinkles. Just apply it on the areas affected and leave it there for about 30 minutes. Wash it off after the allotted time. Use this treatment regularly to get rid of wrinkles.

Don't let cigarette smoke make your skin look older. Use the treatments above to get firm and young looking eyes.

And now I would like to invite you to visit www.goodhealthyskin.com www.goodhealthyskin.com to find out which are the www.goodhealthyskin.com anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.

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