Thursday, February 13, 2014

How To Make Your Eyes Look Brighter

Dark circles under your eyes are like anchors weighing your face down. They make your whole face look older. Unfortunately, we are quite susceptible to this skin problem.

The appearance of dark circles under the eyes is prompted by poor blood circulation and poor nutrition. Excessive intake of coffee and lack of sleep can also contribute to the darkening of skin color under the eyes. When cells cannot pass through the blood vessels properly, they leak and flow to the surface layers of the skin.

Dark circles under the eyes do not have to be a permanent condition. You can get rid of this problem through the following tips:

1. Cut back on your consumption of coffee.

Caffeine can constrict blood vessels. This prevents red blood cells from flowing to the vital organs of the body. The thin-skinned areas of the body are more affected by constricted blood vessels.

Instead of drinking coffee, try switching to cocoa drinks. Cocoa contains Flavanols that can help keep skin hydrated. Cocoa also infuses antioxidants. These can help prevent fight harmful free radicals.

2. Try improving circulation around the eyes through hot compress.

Warm temperature can improve circulation in the body. You can try treating the area around the eye with a hot compress. This can help improve the circulation of red cells.

Soak a small towel in warm water. Wring out the excess and place the towel over your eyes. Let it stay there for about 15 minutes to rejuvenate your dermis.

3. Choose a more appropriate eye cream

There are a lot of eye cream products that can help you out. I suggest looking for a product that has been loaded with Eyeliss, Haloxyl and Phytessence Wakame. Eyeliss is an ingredient made up of natural peptides. Peptides help plump up weak cells in the body.

Haloxyl is a special ingredient that can reduce the haemoglobin content of red cells. Haemoglobin is responsible for giving red color to cells. You can lessen the appearance of dark circles if you get rid of the haemoglobin that gives them a red color.

Phytessence Wakame is a type of Japanese sea kelp. This sea kelp prevents the loss of hyaluronic acid. In the youthful functions of the skin, hyaluronic acid is vital. This is what supplies moisture to collagen.

These simple tips can make your eyes look brighter. Taking good care of your skin around your eyes is imperative in order to prevent numerous skin aging problems.

And now I would like to invite you to visit to find out which are the anti aging products you should use in order to achieve clearer and radiant looking skin.

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