You do not want to have dark circles and puffy eyes when your special someone stares at you. Do you? Who would want that? Even though we hate it, sometimes it is really inevitable to develop puffy eyes. Your type of job, stress levels, hormonal changes and allergies are just some factors.
There are a lot of eye creams available in the market but some can be very costly. Often times, they do not work at all. So here are simple and inexpensive natural remedies you could try at home.
1. Tea Bag. It seems like tea is not only great in cleansing our body but also a wonderful solution to your puffy eyes. If you are not a tea lover, you do not have to worry because you will not drink it. Grab 2 tea bags (you can use green tea, black tea or even chamomile). Make sure your tea is caffeinated, because caffeine helps lessen the swelling. Soak your tea bags for about 3-5 minutes, then take them out and let it cool for a while. When you think you can bear its heat, lie down and put the tea bags over your eyes. Cover with a cloth and leave it there for a couple of minutes.
2. Potato. Here is another delicious way to get rid of tired eyes. No, you will not eat them but you can leave some for your hash browns or mashed potato. The humble potato is believed to help in relaxing inflammatory ailments, headaches and painful joints. Its starch acts as an anti-inflammatory agent that will relieve the tiredness in your eyes. To get this started, peel and wash one potato. Dry it a bit and grate the potato. Get a clean and soft cloth and then make a poultice. Place them on your eyelids for about 15 minutes.
3. Cucumber. This is the most common remedy for tired and puffy eyes. To make it more effective, put the sliced cucumbers in the refrigerator first before putting them on your closed eyes. Their coolness will soothe those puffy eyes of yours. Leave them on your eyes for at least 5-10 minutes.
4. Egg-whites. Egg-whites help tighten your skin which is why some people use it as an alternative for facial masks. However, it is also the answer to your puffy eyes dilemma. Get a bowl, put some egg whites in it and whisk it until it becomes stiff. Add some witch hazel then brush it beneath your eyes. Let it settle and dry. After a few minutes, you can rinse it with water.
5. Spoon it. This utensil is not only used in eating but also a great therapy for your swollen eyes. Put 6 spoons in a refrigerator. Let them stay inside for at least an hour. When they are cold enough, get a pair and place them on your eyelids. Its cold metal will soothe your puffy eyes and help calm down your blood vessels. Replace the spoons when it becomes warm. Do this over and over until your eyes look gorgeous again.
Paula Owen has been passionate about writing articles for the last 5 years. Check out her latest website Ladybug Baby Bedding [] which reviews and lists the latest Western Baby Bedding [] so you can decide which western baby bedding best suits your baby's bedding needs.
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