As we age, many things happen to our skin. Many are things we can treat, while others are not things we can treat. Usually, with most skin problems comes a skin treatment. Skin treatments come in forms such as eye creams and eye serums. This article is about a problem most people complain about, called dark circles. Dark circles are a common complaint for people who are ages 30 and over. Here are some major reasons why people tend to see dark circles form under the eyes.
The primary reason, which you can certainly control, is a lack of sleep. If you are on a bad sleep schedule, or just have an overall unhealthy lifestyle, chances are you suffer from dark circles under your eyes. If you find yourself out late and partying you are not helping this cause. Dark circles can stay with you for days if you don't get back on track. Even if you are not out drinking shots or hammering down the jagrmeisters, you can wake up with those nasty circles each morning just because you didn't get the right amount of sleep. If you don't have a normal schedule, you need to adjust this part of your lifestyle. People with routines have much healthier overall lifestyles, because they know when to do things and their bodies train for it. I am not a saint as far as living a healthy lifestyle, I am known for staying out and having a couple too many (with a driver of course) on the local ladies nights, but I do know that I wake up every day at seven, even without an alarm clock. And other than those nights I dedicate to the bar scene, I am rarely awake after 7 pm. That is a nice seven hour sleep, sometimes more. And it's a routine that works for my body.
Your genes do play a role in this process as well. Dark circles can form because of your parents makeup, and there is no going around this. It's a part of life, like your height, that you can not change no matter what you do.
Sometimes foods and even medications can play a part in dark circles. If you find yourself finding dark circles upon waking up, you should keep a diary of what you eat and drink. Even note when you take a pill or consumer something out of the ordinary. You may be able to locate the contributor to the circles.
Lastly, you need to stay hydrated. Dehydration is bad for your body, but it also contributes to the dark circles. If you say hydrated, your body has a much better, more efficient operating system an things like skin problems will be kept to a bare minimum. Dark circles will hardly ever reach the surface if you keep yourself hydrated. If you are consuming alcoholic beverages, step up your water consumption to combat that and keep your body hydrated.
Now that you know how dark circles form, you need to know how to reduce their appearance. Other than staying hydrated, the only tactic I have found is application of the best eye serum on the market. Find one with haloxyl as a primary ingredient, as this has been shown to reduce dark circles drastically. Apply as directed, stay hydrated, and you will be on your way to a healthy under-eye area.
The author is an anti aging cream enthusiast, and often helps people treat the signs of aging by writing about dark circles under eyes and other skin issues that surface as the bodies age.
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