Friday, January 11, 2013

The Collagen Eye Cream Deception - How to Really Get Rid of Eye Wrinkles

Can collagen eye cream really get rid of eye wrinkles? Is the hype around collagen products justified? Let's take a look. There is probably no area on your face that shows your age quicker than your eyes. Even if the rest of your face is smooth, those annoying wrinkles around the eyes, also known as crow's feet, can ruin the whole picture.

What's The Deal With Collagen?

To the rescue then comes that magic little thing called collagen. To set the facts straight immediately: yes, collagen is a crucial wrinkle barrier. It strengthens and tones the skin and makes it more elastic. In turn, this keeps your skin supple and prevents wrinkles from forming.

Collagen is found naturally in your body, but over time it degrades. This process already starts in your 20s. It is therefore only natural that you would think an eye cream that contains collagen could be the solution to your problems.

The Problem With Collagen Eye Cream

Unfortunately, it is not that simple. You see, collagen molecules cannot penetrate the skin. So, any cream that claims to contain it won't give you any benefit from the collagen itself as it simply cannot get through the outer skin layers.

So, What Do You Do To Boost Collagen?

Boosting collagen is indeed an important aspect of getting rid of eye wrinkles. However, since you cannot increase your collagen by rubbing it into your skin, what do you do?

Answer: you get your skin to naturally produce more collage.

How Is This Done?

Clinically proven eye cream ingredients like Cynergy TK and Coenzyme Q10 stimulate increased collagen production and cell renewal in the skin. In other words, instead of trying to force collagen through your skin, these ingredients encourage your body to do something it already knows how to do: produce collagen, and more of it.

So, forget about collagen eye cream if you want to get rid of eye wrinkles. Get an eye cream that works at biological level. Not only is this the only effective method, but it also brings the long term benefit of a skin that knows how to renew itself.

Where do you find an eye cream that provides all these benefits? Click here now to remove eye wrinkles, bags and dark circles now with a safe, gentle and natural eye serum that naturally boosts collagen in your skin with the special ingredients we talked about in this article.

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