Friday, January 11, 2013

What Causes Eye Wrinkles and What Can You Do to Repair the Damage?

What causes eye wrinkles? Most of us only know that it is a part of the aging process but there are also people who experience eye wrinkles prematurely. What gives?

The following are some of the causes of eye wrinkles and what you can do to help repair the damages:

Too Much Sun Exposure

For those who experience premature wrinkles, you are probably getting to much sun. Whenever you go outdoors, make sure you have enough sun protection. Use a sunscreen lotion or a moisturizer with a high SPF. Use umbrella or hats to protect. The UV rays of the sun cause aging to speed up and this usually starts to manifest in the skin around our eyes.

Wrong Eye Cream

Retin-A has been considered as a good ingredient to treat eye wrinkles. However, it is a hit and miss thing. Some people experienced good benefits while others will say that it made their condition much worse. If you are going to use an eye cream, it should be absolutely effective.

Choose one that contains natural ingredients such as Eyeliss and Phytessence Wakame. Eyeliss can actually supply you with essential peptides that enhance the production of collagen and elastin. Phytessence Wakame, on the other hand, can help prevent harmful enzymes from attacking your hyaluronic acid which will then speed up the aging process.

Harmful Free Radicals

Harmful free radicals are everywhere. We are exposed to them every waking hour of our life. We are now more prone to premature skin aging than before because of these harmful free radicals. Protect yourself from their harsh effects by using a cream replete with antioxidants. Vitamin E is a good choice. Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is also something you should look for.

In comparison to other antioxidants, Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 stands out. This is because it is structured to have smaller molecules so it can penetrate in your skin better.

What causes eye wrinkles has been answered. It is your choice if you want to reverse the damages or not.

And to help you get clearer and younger looking skin, I would like to share with you one anti aging skin care range of products that I discovered. They contain more active ingredients than any other cream on the market. These ingredients are effective moisturizers, because they penetrate deeply to "nourish" the skin. So, they never feel greasy.

I have never seen any other natural products that are as good and report no negative or adverse effects. They are hypo-allergenic, fragrance free and can be used on any skin-type. If you want to see and discover similar results, you should visit to find out more.

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