Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Best Eye Cream For Dry Scaly Skin Contains Amazing Ingredients to De-Age and Soften Skin Around Eyes

Are you sick and tired of trying to find the best happinesslifetime.com eye cream for dry scaly skin? Are you looking for an happinesslifetime.com eye cream that moisturizes the skin around your eyes? And, removes the aging signs like wrinkles, dark circles and bags? You're not alone, many women and men are dealing with these issues, but there is an effective solution.

In order to find an happinesslifetime.com eye cream for dry skin which does these things, reading the ingredients label is important. You'll be looking for effective natural ingredients that work, so avoid the big brand name products since they use harmful chemicals.

For instance, ingredients like alcohols and mineral oils. These two are dangerous ingredients you want to not have in your happinesslifetime.com eye cream. They strip away your skin's natural acid and cause further dryness.

What you want instead is the best happinesslifetime.com eye cream for dry scaly skin to contain natural substances which moisturize and de-age your eyes. To successfully deal with your dry scaly skin you'll need safe, effective and proven ingredients.

happinesslifetime.com Eye Cream for Dry Skin Ingredients

When you're reading the contents of your happinesslifetime.com skin care product, make sure it contains these ingredients:

1. Eyeliss -- found in an in an eye contour gel, this is most effective ingredient for targeting and helping reduce the puffiness and bags under your eyes. In a recent clinical study (on human volunteers), it was shown that 65% showed a marked reduction in bags under their eyes (in just 28 days) and 62% showed a significant reduction in wrinkles around their eyes.

2. Homeo Age -- this natural ingredient is obtained from a unique extract from a Canadian brown alga. It's rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and has been shown to reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

3. Babassu -- a light, natural wax, which softens and soothes your skin (giving it a nice velvet like feel). It creates an invisible barrier to retain moisture and keep out dirt and grime. It's made from Babassu oil, from the kernel of the fruit of Babassu palm. It gently moisturizes your skin without making it greasy and has proven benefits for eczema, dry, itchy and inflamed skin.

One last natural ingredient to look for is Cynergy TK. This cutting edge ingredient is an extract derived from sheep's wool. Due to its antioxidants properties, it deeply moisturizes, prevents dryness from reoccurring while at the same time improves your immune system.

Make no mistake about it. These ingredients combined in an happinesslifetime.com eye cream for dry skin work in synergy with your body to www.health-beauty-and-vitality.com de-age your skin, make dry skin disappear, as well as, improve your overall skin health and well-being.

Visit my website today to learn more about these amazing natural ingredients and discover the best happinesslifetime.com eye cream for dry scaly skin product.

Marcia is a researcher, consumer and passionate advocate of natural skin care products. Visit her site now to discover cutting edge, anti-aging skin care products she recommends after extensive research: www.health-beauty-and-vitality.com www.health-beauty-and-vitality.com

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