Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Benefits And Side Effects Of An Eye Lift

An eye lift is a cosmetic procedure that can restore the youthful appearance of the eye area. But what are their benefits and side effects? And how do they compare to wrinkle creams? After all, wrinkle creams are non invasive and doesn't involve any injections or procedures. Well, if you want to make your eye area 10-20 years younger, but aren't sure what to do, then read this article to find what your options are.

The Benefits Of Eye Lifts

Eye lift surgery is in fact not just one procedure, but a group of procedures to help specific problems around the eyes.

These include lower lid surgery to get rid of bags under the eyes, transconjunctival blepharoplasty which is the same thing but not resulting in a visible scar, and an upper eyelid lift for droopy eyelids.

The most obvious benefit of an eye lift is that it can reward you with a more youthful look. You'll look healthier and more alert, and any asymmetries of the face that occurs as a result of droopy lids or sagging under eye skin can be improved. But besides the aesthetic benefits, there can be more functional benefits. Eye lift surgery can restore peripheral vision that may have been obscured as a result of saggy, droopy eyelids.

The Risks Of Eye Lifts

How invasive an eye lift surgery is depends on the exact procedure that's being done.

But as with all surgery there's always some risks, and it's important that you know what those are before you choose to have the eye lift done. You can then weigh the risks against the benefits and decide if it's right for you.

Firstly, there are the risks of the surgery itself.

Bruising and swelling around the eye area is common in the first few days, as is watering eyes. Your eyes can feel gritty and dry for as long as three weeks. After the anesthetic wears off you may experience some throbbing around the eye area however.

It's common for it to feel tight when you close your eyes, this too shall pass in a week, or two. Sometimes tiny, white cysts form along the stitch line. Your surgeon can easily remove these with a fine needle.

And of course as with any surgery, bleeding and infection can occur in the area operated on. Other, more serious risks include nerve damage and a loss of sensation in the area operated on.

Secondly, there's the risk of the anesthetic. For procedures done under local anesthetic, the risks are allergic reactions to the drugs, but for surgery under general anesthetic, the risks include respiratory and cardiac complications.

It's important that you discuss with your plastic surgeon any medical conditions you may have or any medications you may be taking and whether you bleed or bruise easily.

How Do Eye Lifts Compare To Wrinkle Creams?

If you use a wrinkle cream that works, then you can get anti aging results without the need for injections or invasive procedures.

Which means you'll get the benefits, and without the major side effects.

Specifically, you'll be able to get the benefit of wrinkles reduced or even disappear through ingredients that fill up wrinkles or that refract light to make wrinkles invisible to the eye.

Also you'll have the "lift" effect of wrinkle creams which tightens and lifts the skin. This effect is particularly effective in making the eye area youthful looking, and this effect on the rest of the facial skin is equally helpful.

And finally, wrinkle creams provide antioxidants which reduce inflammation and puffiness of the skin, as well as to slow skin aging. Which means that your skin is protected against premature aging as you use the cream.

And this is something that you don't get with any injection, procedure or surgery. To have your skin to age less quickly and protected from premature aging, is true anti aging at work.

So there you have it. You now know the benefits and risks of eye lift and how they compare to wrinkle creams as anti aging treatments. The eye area is an important area as it's where others look when it comes to first impressions, and when someone is trying to guess your age. So learn more about your skin beauty options and decide for yourself which is right for you.

Go for it and get gorgeous skin and enjoy the benefits of younger looking skin.

Want to look 10-20 years younger in a matter of minutes? Including a youthful lift in the eye area? Then get your free trial of Lifecell Skin Wrinkle Cream the breakthrough cream that works right away. Read more customer Lifecell Skin Cream reviews and find out why everyone have been talking about this anti aging cream! So go ahead and look years younger and enjoy.

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