Thursday, December 13, 2012

Collagen Eye Cream Vs Eye Cream With Collagen - Which One is Better?

Knowing the difference between a collagen eye cream and an eye cream with collagen could mean the difference between buying an effective anti-aging treatment and buying a worthless one. This article will explain the difference between the two so you can avoid wasting your money on a worthless and ineffective skin care treatment.

Collagen Eye Cream vs Eye Cream With Collagen

At first glace, you might think that either one of these skin care treatments would be worth using. But if you decided to take the time and do some research before making your purchase decision, you would quickly discover that only one type of collagen skin product is actually effective at preserving the youthfulness of the skin.

Up until just recently, most anti-aging products centered around this important structural protein actually contain collagen as an ingredient. Ever since the word got out to consumers about the important role that collagen protein plays in maintaining the firmness of the skin, they have been itching to get their hands on products claiming to increase the levels of it in the skin.

But even though an eye cream with collagen sounds like it would be effective, it's really not. Why? Because the molecular size of these proteins are actually too large to even be absorbed through the skin's pores. They really just sit on your skin until they are washed off!

Despite this fact, skin care companies continue to claim that these kind of products help to increase collagen levels in the skin. But don't waste your time with an eye cream with collagen because all you'll be doing is moisturizing your skin with them at best!

Instead, what you want to do is find a safe and effective collagen eye cream. The reason these kind of products work so much better is because they contain ingredients that actually promote higher collagen protein production inside the body. This is a much more NATURAL way of increasing the amount of proteins in the skin, as the body just needs an extra 'boost' in order to keep the rate of production high like it was when you were much younger.

You can learn all about the best collagen-stimulating ingredients and even find out which collagen eye cream products contain these ingredients by visiting my website listed below.

Jason Michaels is a long time user and passionate admirer of all natural skin care products. Visit his site now and discover the latest and greatest breakthrough anti aging products and ingredients he recommends after conducting extensive research on anti-aging skin care ---> Go to

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