Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to Cure Dry Skin Around Your Eyes

The skin around your eyes is extremely thin and sensitive. It is here that you will notice your first fine lines and wrinkles. It is here that you will first see signs of exhaustion and illness. Yes, there are many reasons why you can learn a lot about a person by simply looking at their eyes, and many reasons why you do not want to tell all of your secrets with yours. One of the most bothersome conditions that you may encounter when it comes to your eyes is dry skin around the eyes.

Wrinkles develop after skin becomes dry and loses elasticity. Considering that this will first occur around your eyes, there is good reason for you to address any dry skin issues as soon as they occur especially if they occur around the region of your eyes. You can do this either as a preventative measure or a curative measure.

Preventing Dry Skin around Eyes

If you follow a good skin care routine, it probably involves using moisturizers and products that do just fine at preventing dry skin on your face. But the skin on your eyes often needs a little more. Here are a few eye products that you should have in your makeup bag:

* Eye Makeup Remover - When you were 16, it was okay to sleep in your eye makeup all night, but not anymore. Leaving eye makeup on indefinitely is not good for your skin, but many products are waterproof. This tempts many to remove their eye makeup using a hot washcloth with soap and water. There are two things wrong with this scenario: soap is drying and a harsh washcloth can irritate and further dry your skin. To remove your eye makeup properly, you should use an oil-based or moisturizing eye makeup remover. These products work much better than soap and water without drying your skin.

* Spot treatments - It is never too early to start preventing wrinkles around the eyes. You can do this by using an antioxidant eye cream. There are two types of eye creams: a lighter treatment that can be used during the day and a heavier one that is used overnight.

* Sunglasses - The sun is the number one culprit when it comes to causing dry skin around the eyes. Be sure to wear sunscreen and cover the sensitive skin of your eyes up with sunglasses whenever you go outdoors.

* Health - If you are in poor health, your skin will show it. Be sure to drink plenty of water, eat a good diet, and exercise regularly to prevent dry skin. If you have any underlying health conditions that may cause dry skin, you should also take extra care to keep these under control and follow all of your doctor's instructions.

Curing Dry Skin around Eyes

If you experience dry skin around your eyes even after all of your attempts at preventing it, you may need to take a different approach. There are many intense eye therapies out there that might be the perfect solution to your problem. Here is a brief guide to help you decide:

* Hydrating Eye Serums - Many people experience dry skin around their eyes simply because there are not that many oil glands in the skin of the eyes to help keep it moisturized. Without these vital oils, your skin quickly dries out when it comes into external factors such as the sun, cigarette smoke, dry furnace heat, and harsh weather conditions. To replenish these oils, use a hydrating eye serum. These can be applied directly underneath or even on top of your makeup several times throughout the day. Many also have added ingredients to help firm skin and fight dark circles.

* Intense eye treatments - If the dry skin on your eyes is particularly bothersome, you can use an intense eye treatment 2 to 3 times per week. These are similar to intense hydrating masques that you purchase for your face but are formulated for the sensitive skin of your eyes. Look for these in the same aisle that you would find face creams.

Dry skin on the eyes can be extremely itchy and easily irritated. The thin skin of the eye is also easily torn. This is why it is very important to address eye issues as soon as they occur. Avoid scratching and tugging on the skin and be sure to use enough moisturizers to get your skin into shape as quickly as possible. brings you all the latest information you need to combat your dry skin problems. There's nothing to buy, just really helpful information. Be sure to check out pages like Dry Skin Around the Eyes also Dogwood Square ? 2007 copyright by DSquare Marketing and Della Franklin.

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