Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Top 7 Age-Defying Eye Cream Ingredients

It's obvious that the best way to prevent lines and wrinkles to the eye area is to drink plenty of liquids, use moisturizer, and to not tug at your delicate skin while removing makeup. Because the delicate eye area ages faster that the rest of the face, we need to pay special attention to it.

When selecting an happinesslifetime.com eye cream read the ingredients list. If the names are too hard to pronounce look for another happinesslifetime.com eye cream. And, keep in mind that just because the label looks pretty and states the word natural on it, that doesn't mean it is healthy for your delicate eye skin.

Here is a list of top happinesslifetime.com eye cream ingredients that have stood the test of time and are proven to work.

Coenzyme Q10. This powerful antioxidant increases oxygen delivery to tissues, counteracts free radicals, and prevents skin damage.

Hyaluronic Acid. Wow. This natural protein attracts 1,000 times its weight in water and therefore plumping up fine lines in the eye area.

Ester-C. Since it is a combination of minerals, bioactive metabolites, and non-acidic Vitamin C, this happinesslifetime.com eye cream winner stimulates collagen production.

Essential Fatty Acids. The outer layer of the skin needs EFAs to maintain its integrity, ward of dryness, and prevent sun damage. Omega-6 is the unsung hero when in comes to wrinkle prevention. Sources or ingredients to look for include borage seed, hemp, and evening primrose oil.

Vitamin E. Palm oil derived tocotrienol heals redness, protects against sun damage, and stops flakiness of dry skin.

Green Tea. This antioxidant-rich tea repairs the skin due to its strengthening anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea helps drooping skin.

Protein Peptides. These essential proteins promote collagen and elastin production for firmer looking eyes.

Avoid the use of creams containing parabens or phthalates. Use happinesslifetime.com eye creams loaded with ingredients formulated for dry skin to get optimal anti-aging while becoming a natural beauty.

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