Sunday, August 18, 2013

What You Should Know About Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream

Surely, any woman is concerned about the appearance of the area of her eyes. In fact, one of the most important reasons for the use of anti-wrinkle eye creams is that wrinkles begin to develop and easily shows on the face. Everyone knows that the last thing a woman wants is to look older; the use of anti-wrinkle eye creams can help reduce the appearance of these fine lines. Keep in mind that on average an individual blinks ten thousand times daily, while our eyes are in constant use, it is only normal that we will develop wrinkling around the eye area. However, this does not mean that we should not put forth effort to minimize such damage to our skin.

What are anti-wrinkle eye creams?

An anti-wrinkle eye cream is a scientific blend, which is tested by ophthalmologists, and is safe for use around the eye area. An anti-wrinkle eye cream is the perfect match to the pH factor of your tears as well as fragrance-free. Daily use of an anti-wrinkle eye cream aids against the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and dark circles. An anti-wrinkle eye cream can make wrinkles appear smaller and shallower if used daily when you already have wrinkles.

It is best to use an anti-wrinkle eye cream daily since the skin around the eye is so very fine, rather than using your daily moisturizer around the area of the eye. Keep in mind that anti-wrinkle eye cream is especially designed to use around the area of the eye without causing irritation, as does the use of a normal facial moisturizer, which will cause your eyes to sting and water. All too often, normal facial moisturizers are formulated much too heavy or even drying for use on the delicate skin of the eye, which in turn can make wrinkles stand out even more.

The alternatives of using an anti-wrinkle eye cream, is of course to stay out of the sun or include facial exercises to your daily regimen. Actually staying out of the sun is near impossible while facial exercises essentially decrease elasticity of the skin. Neither of these choices are not the best way to reduce wrinkles. Of course, there are those who take Botox or laser treatments as their option, while others are not interested in such an expensive or drastic measure to reduce the signs of aging.

Did you know that even though the majority of women wait until they are in their thirties or forties before beginning to use these creams, when there are creams that can be put to good use well before the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles? When in reality it is best to begin using eye cream in your late teens or early twenties, thereby preventing the appearance of future wrinkles, since it only makes sense to prevent any damage being done while you are young. Of course, as with any cosmetic the type of eye cream for you will depend upon several factors such as your skin type and age. There are an assortment of creams, gels and serums from which to choose. Many women prefer the use of rich creams while others favor the use of a cooling gel.

What type of eye cream is best?

There are literally hundreds of anti-wrinkle eye creams on the market today; however, the best way to determine the best eye cream for you is through trial and error. When you locate the eye cream, which gives you the best results, with a pleasing scent and a wallet friendly price, you should continue using that particular product. Keep in mind that an expensive product does not guarantee the best results for everyone. You should ask around and find out what eye creams your friends may use and why they like it so well. Eye creams come in three main categories such as day eye cream, night eye cream as well as non-specific eye cream

1. Day Eye Cream - Reduces the appearance of puffiness and dark circles, while giving your eyes a much more pleasing appearance.

2. Night Eye Cream - Repairs the skin while preventing further damage. These creams normally contain alpha-hydroxy acid or retinol, sometimes even both. They are great for reducing wrinkles.

3. Non-specific Eye Cream - This type of eye cream adds a small amount of extra moisture when you do not want to apply a regular moisturizer around your eyes.

Anti-wrinkle eye cream is available in small tubes or pots, since the area around the eye is small, a small pot or tube will last a lot longer than you might guess. Keeping with safety, it is always essential that your fingers be clean before applying eye cream, this is especially so if you are placing your finger into a pot rather than squeezing a tube of eye cream.

What are the contents of an anti-wrinkle eye cream? Eye creams are an emollient by nature; this means they are both softening and soothing products for the skin, as they improve the appearance of the eye area without adding to much moisture.

Anti-wrinkle eye creams may include such ingredients as vitamin C, alpha-hydroxy acids, copper, reinol, alcohol or caffeine. Vitamin C, alpha-hydroxy acids, copper and reinol products go to work under the skin to stimulate the growth of collagen. While products made of caffeine or alcohol go to work temporarily reducing moisture from the skin. This gives the skin a firmer appearance, while making the signs of fine lines and wrinkles less noticeable.

How do you apply an anti-wrinkle eye cream correctly?

Since the skin of the eye area is so very sensitive, there is no need to apply more eye cream than is needed, since it can promote puffiness or redness. After your face is cleansed and rinsed well, only a small amount of eye cream is placed on a clean finger, while being gently rubbed or patted onto the skin. Remember, only to apply a small amount, if you require more, you can always add more. Apply the eye cream on the area beneath the eye and only if the direction for a particular eye cream instructs you not to do so, then you can safely apply the eye cream to the area of the eyelid and beneath the brow bone. Remember to be gentle with this area, as brisk rubbing will promote more wrinkles.

How soon can you see results?

Depending upon the eye cream, times will vary, as some eye creams take awhile to prove their results and others carry a promise of instant results. Of course the length of time it take for results to show will also depend upon the number and condition of any fine lines or wrinkles you may already have.

Examples of anti-wrinkle eye creams:

Modèle Anti-Wrinkle Eye Treatment Gel is one eye cream product, which is enjoying some interesting reviews, with its claim of diminishing the size of wrinkles up to sixty percent and a depth of wrinkles by up to thirty percent. Revitol Anti-Aging Solution stimulates skin cell renewal while diminishing wrinkles and soothing the skin around the eye area. Hylexin is a great choice as well, if you are more concerned more about the appearance of dark under eye circles, rather than wrinkles. Aside from these excellent products, there are multitudes of anti-wrinkle eye creams available. You should do some research into anti-wrinkle eye creams. You will find it most useful to search online stores or by asking your local pharmacy and beauty supply store, what products they recommend for use.

What else makes anti-wrinkle eye creams good to use.

Well, considering that eye creams are blended with natural antioxidants, they improve the appearance of wrinkles while being wholesome for our body. Antioxidants are helpful by being absorbed into your system as they aid in disease prevention and clear the arteries.

Remember, you can start today by looking your best with the use of a good anti-wrinkle eye cream.

Ken Black is a writer on health related matters. It is a good idea to visit a site about skin care to learn more about anti-wrinkle eye and skin care.

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